
FilerobotImageEditor integration with filerobotFilerobot

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import filerobotImageEditor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@filerobot/image-editor';



The image editor plugin provides different functionality for editing the image available in the widget, gives you the possibility to add watermark, text, shapes, edit image by filters, orientations...etc.

It is required in case you need to have edit image, variants, exporting functionalities.


From NPM

The plugin is on NPM as @filerobot/image-editor

npm install --save @filerobot/image-editor


import ImageEditor from '@filerobot/image-editor'
filerobot.use(ImageEditor, optionsObject)

From CDN

The plugin from CDN is found inside Filerobot global object Filerobot.ImageEditor

const ImageEditor = window.Filerobot.ImageEditor
filerobot.use(ImageEditor, optionsObject)

Plugin's styles

import '@filerobot/core/dist/style.css'
import '@filerobot/image-editor/dist/style.css'

or if you prefer the minified version

import '@filerobot/core/dist/style.min.css'
import '@filerobot/image-editor/dist/style.min.css'

The plugin's css file should be imported after the Core's css file for having the styles shown correctly.


id: string (optional)

default: 'ImageEditor'

An unique identifier for the plugin to be indentified between the other plugins through it.

locale: object (optional)

default: default locales inside lib/defaultLocale.js.

Customizing some of the translations or the language's strings and replace the default locale.

forceOpenOnImgAddedToUpload (optional)

default: false

Automatically open the image editor on adding a single image in upload panel. (Note: Upload panel must contain only 1 image).

Check the rest of the options available on filerobot-image-editor

Note: filerobot object property, would be overriden internally with your container property & SASS key generated through securityTemplateID property that are provided in @filerobot/core and cloudimageToken property's value would be the same as container unless you provided another value.