
This package provides components which render variations on the footer component for FT.com.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import financialTimesDotcomUiFooter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@financial-times/dotcom-ui-footer';



This package provides components which render variations on the footer component for FT.com.

Getting started

This package is compatible with Node 12+ and is distributed on npm.

npm install --save @financial-times/dotcom-ui-footer

After installing the package you will need to configure your application to fetch data from the Next Navigation API required to render these UI components. Page Kit provides two packages for this:

  1. dotcom-middleware-navigation (if you are using Express)
  2. dotcom-server-navigation (if you are not using Express)


This package provides two UI components to render different parts and styles of the FT.com footer:

  • <Footer /> the full footer with all navigation links and branding.
  • <LegalFooter /> a simple footer used to brand pages and link to the necessary legal pages.


import { Footer } from '@financial-times/dotcom-ui-footer'

<Footer data={navigationData} />

Please note that the footer components are designed to be used on the server-side and should not be rendered on the client-side. Although it is possible to render them on the client-side there is usually no reason to do so and it's not officially supported.


Once you are rendering the footer components in your page you will need to initialise the client-side code to add styles and interactive behaviour.

To initialise the client-side JavaScript import the package and call the .init() method:

import * as footer from '@financial-times/dotcom-ui-footer'


This component includes styles written in Sass which can be imported into your application's main Sass stylesheet.

@import '@financial-times/dotcom-ui-footer/styles';

Please note that the exact usage of styles will depend on how you configure your Sass compiler.


All variants require a props object to be passed to the footer component. The component can be configured by setting properties on this object or by passing the desired property directly into the component: <Footer {...footerData} theme="light"/>.

theme string 'dark' Serve the specified variant of the footer - the light theme is a valid alternative.
legal-only boolean false Serve the shorter, 'legal-only' variant of the footer
data object Navigation data for rendering the footer links fetched from the navigation API