
A set of components and hooks to build components libraries and UI kits.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fluentuiReactBindings from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@fluentui/react-bindings';



A set of reusable components and hooks to build component libraries and UI kits.



npm install --save @fluentui/react-bindings


yarn add @fluentui/react-bindings



A React hook that provides bindings for accessibility behaviors.


The example below assumes a component called <Image> will be used this way:

const imageBehavior: Accessibility<{ disabled: boolean }> = props => ({
  attributes: {
    root: {
      'aria-disabled': props.disabled,
      tabIndex: -1,
    img: {
      role: 'presentation',
  keyActions: {
    root: {
      click: {
        keyCombinations: [{ keyCode: 13 /* equals Enter */ }],

type ImageProps = {
  disabled?: boolean;
  onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement> | React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void;
  src: string;

const Image: React.FC<ImageProps> = props => {
  const { disabled, onClick, src, ...rest } = props;
  const getA11Props = useAccessibility(imageBehavior, {
    mapPropsToBehavior: () => ({
    actionHandlers: {
      click: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {
        if (onClick) onClick(e);

  return (
    <div {...getA11Props('root', { onClick, ...rest })}>
      <img {...getA11Props('img', { src })} />


A React hook that allows to manage state like in React.useState(), but implements the autocontrolled pattern.


The example below assumes a component called <Input> will be used this way:

type InputProps = {
  defaultValue?: string;
  value?: string;
  onChange?: (value: string) => void;

const Input: React.FC<InputProps> = props => {
  const [value, setValue] = useAutoControlled({
    defaultValue: props.defaultValue,
    value: props.value,

  return (
      onChange={e => {
        if (props.onChange) props.onChange(e.target.value);


A React hook that provides bindings for state managers.


The example below assumes a component called <Input> will be used this way:

type InputProps = {
  defaultValue?: string;
  value?: string;
  onChange?: (value: string) => void;
type InputState = { value: string };
type InputActions = { change: (value: string) => void };

const createInputManager: ManagerFactory<InputState, InputActions> = config =>
  createManager<InputState, InputActions>({
    actions: {
      change: (value: string) => () => ({ value }),
    state: { value: '', ...config.state },

const Input: React.FC<InputProps> = props => {
  const { state, actions } = useStateManager(createInputManager, {
    mapPropsToInitialState: () => ({ value: props.defaultValue }),
    mapPropsToState: () => ({ value: props.value }),

  return (
      onChange={e => {
        if (props.onChange) props.onChange(e.target.value);


const { state, actions } = useStateManager(createInputManager)
const { state, actions } = useStateManager(
  managerFactory: ManagerFactory<State, Actions>,
  options: UseStateManagerOptions<Props>,
  • managerFactory - a factory that implements state manager API
  • options.mapPropsToInitialState - optional, maps component's props to the initial state
  • options.mapPropsToState - optional, maps component's props to the state, should be used if your component implements controlled mode.


A React hook that provides bindings for usage CSSinJS styles and Fluent theming.


The example below assumes a component called <Text> will be used this way:

type TextComponentProps = {
  className?: string;
  color?: string;

const Text: React.FunctionComponent<TextComponentProps> = props => {
  const { className, children, color } = props;

  const { classes } = useStyles('Text', {
    className: 'ui-text',
    mapPropsToStyles: () => ({ color }),

  return <span className={classes.root}>{children}</span>;


const { classes } = useStyles(
  displayName: string,
  options: UseStylesOptions<Props>,
  • displayName - a component name to lookup in theme
  • options.className - optional, a special class name that will be always added to the root slot
  • options.mapPropsToStyles - optional, a set of props that will be passed style functions, only primitives are allowed
  • options.rtl - optional, sets RTL mode


A React hook that returns an object consisting of props beyond the scope of the component. Useful for getting and spreading unknown props from the user.


The example below assumes a component called <Text> will be used this way:

type TextComponentProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement> * {
  className?: string;

const Text: React.FunctionComponent<TextComponentProps> = props => {
  const { className, children } = props;
  const unhandledProps = useUnhandledProps(['className'], props);

  return <span {...unhandledProps} className={classes.root}>{children}</span>;


const unhandledProps = useUnhandledProps(handledProps, props);
  • unhandledProps - an object with unhandled props by component
  • handledProps - an array with names of handled props
  • props - an object with all props that are passed to a component