
Web3 provider setup functions built with Typescript and love. From Gnosis.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gnosisPmDappUi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@gnosis.pm/dapp-ui';



Reusable Dapp UI components and setup functions


As is probably already familiar, run:

npm i

This will also automatically install the deps inside the examples/ts-frontend folder, allowing you to run the test frontend as seen in the Running example frontend instructions below.

Running example frontend

npm run build


  1. App wont build etc: Check that node_modules inside examples/ts-frontend are installed. Can be done manually via cd ./examples/ts-frontend && npm i
  2. WalletConnect isn't working! It is known to have issues as it is still beta. Please try test.walletconnect.org and make sure to clear cache by disconnecting from the mobile app and hard refreshing. Gnosis Safe WalletConnect is currently NOT working.
  3. I don't see any injected wallets! (Metamask, Safe, etc) - If in incognito mode, please check that wallet is allowed to run incognito; if using Safe, please check that site is whitelisted (click extension and check)
  4. Safe is enabled but I still see Metamask! Make sure you only have ONE injected wallet instance running. E.g you CANNOT have both Metamask AND Safe enabled. It will result in a race condition for who injects first.


npm run test

Running CRA example

Build the library with npm run build

Inside ./examples/cra-test, install dependencies npm install and run the example npm start

Automatically Fixing Code in VS Code

To run eslint --fix on save add to the settings.json file:

"eslint.autoFixOnSave":  true,
"eslint.validate":  [
  {"language":  "typescript",  "autoFix":  true  },
  {"language":  "typescriptreact",  "autoFix":  true  }