
dxDAO Web: https://dxdao.daostack.io

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gnosisPmDxDaostack from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@gnosis.pm/dx-daostack';


Build Status


The future of organizations is DAOs. The dxDAO is a next-generation DAO, designed to facilitate global, open trade.

The first dApp governed by the dxDAO will be the DutchX, an open trading protocol for ERC20 tokens using the Dutch auction mechanism. It determines a fair value for tokens, permits trading in low liquidity environments with no third party risk, and mitigates harmful trading practices like front-running

You can find all information and documentation about the DutchX here, and join the discussion in this Forum.

Bug Bounty


DAOStack's Smart contract Audit:

Install dependencies

Useful, for example for working with the console in any deployed network

# Install dependencies
npm run install

# Restore the network info in the compiled contracts
npm run restore

# Check the networks :) 
npm run networks

Run tests

# Install dependencies
npm install

# In one tab: Run ganache
npm run rpc

# In another tab: Run the tests
npm run test

For running a particular test:

npx truffle test <name-of-the-test>



npm run migrate


npm run migrate -- --network rinkeby


npm run migrate -- --network mainnet

Verify contracts in Etherscan

Make sure the dependencies and addresses are updated:

npm run install
npm run restore

For every contract, you need to get the flattened version.

# Get the list of contracts:
ls -Rl contracts

# Flatten a contract
npx truffle-flattener contracts/DxAvatar.sol > build/DxAvatar.sol

To verify you will need to use the exact version of the compiler:

Check it here:
