
Isomorphic logger

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import grabrincIsomorphicLogger from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@grabrinc/isomorphic-logger';


Isomorphic Logger

Tiny isomorphic logger that has the same semantics on the server and on the client with multi-channel support and modular structure.

import {Logger, createConsoleProcessor} from '@grabrinc/isomorphic-logger';

const logger = new Logger;


logger.log('Hello world!', {foo: 'bar'}); // → Prints "Hello world! {foo: 'bar'}" to console


These methods are available on Logger instance and log messages at corresponding log level:

  • trace(...messages)
  • debug(...messages)
  • info(...messages) there's a convinient alias log(...messages)
  • warn(...messages)
  • error(...messages)

Each method accepts an arbitrary number of arguments as console.log does.

Logging Level

Setting log level on Logger instance allows to limit verbosity of the output:

import {LogLevel} from '@grabrinc/isomorphic-logger';

// Now messages with warn level or higher are logged.

Following log levels are available out-of-the-box:

  • LogLevel.TRACE
  • LogLevel.DEBUG
  • LogLevel.INFO
  • LogLevel.WARN
  • LogLevel.ERROR
  • LogLevel.OFF no messages would be logged with this level.

You can create your own log level via instantinating LogLevel class:

logger.setLevel(new LogLevel(150));

Logging Level Test

If you want to perform heavy computations when particular logging level is set, you can use logging level test methods:

if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
  // Do heavy stuff here
  logger.debug('Computation results');

These methods are availeble on Logger instance:

  • isTraceEnabled()
  • isDebugEnabled()
  • isInfoEnabled()
  • isWarnEnabled()
  • isErrorEnabled()


To set up a logger instance you need to define at least one channel.

Channel consists of processors that are executed one after another and can be asynchronous.

import {
} from '@grabrinc/isomorphic-logger';
import Sentry from 'raven-js';

  createStackTraceTransformProcessor(),              // Converts error objects to string representing stack trace.
  createDateAndLevelPrependProcessor(),              // Prepends every message with date and time.
  createThrottleProcessor({delay: 500, length: 10}), // Batch logged messages.
  createConsoleProcessor()                           // Write batched messages to console.

  createMessageConcatProcessor(), // Concat all messages into a single string.
  createErrorWrapProcessor(),     // Wrap message into an Error object and trim excessive stack frames.
  createSentryProcessor(Sentry)   // Send messages to Sentry.

logger.log('Hello there!') // This is logged to both console and Sentry

Even if the channel contains an asynchronous processor, messages are guaranteed to be logged in the original order.

Logger itself is also a processor, so you can nest one logger into another:

const errorLogger = new Logger();

const logger = new Logger();

logger.log('Foo'); // This is logged in the console only

logger.error('Oh snap!') // This is logged in the console and send to Sentry

Available Processors

Following processors are available at the moment:

There are also server-only processors available which can be imported from @grabrinc/isomorphic-logger/server:

How to create a custom processor?

A processor is a function that receives a set of records:

type Record = {
  level: LogLevel,
  messages: Array<*>

function myCustomProcessor(records: Record[]): Promise<Record[]> | Record[] | Promise<null> | null {
  return records;

Or an object that has process function property:

const myCustomProcessor = {

  process(records: Record[]): Promise<Record[]> | Record[] | Promise<null> | null {
    return records;

A processor should do some stuff with messages and return a new set of records that is passed to the next processor.

If processor returns false value than next processor is not invoked.

A processor can return Promise that is awaited before proceeding to next processor.

If you need to ensure logging was completed before continuing code execution you can:

await logger.error('Wait for this messages to log!', error);

Declarative Logger Configuration

Logger can be created from JSON configuration:

import {parseLoggerConfig, ProcessorFactories} from '@grabrinc/isomorphic-logger';

const loggerConfig = {
  level: 'TRACE',
  channels: [
      {type: 'throttle', options: {delay: 1000, length: 10}}
      {type: 'extractStackTrace'},
      {type: 'highlight'},
      {type: 'console'}
        type: 'logger',
        options: {
          level: 'ERROR',
          channels: [
              {type: 'prependDateAndLevel'},
              {type: 'console'}

const logger = parseLoggerConfig(loggerConfig, ProcessorFactories);


The code is available under MIT license.