
Input conform logic

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import headhrConform from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@headhr/conform';


Conforming Input Logic

Input logic usually follows an escapable sequence, such as:

  1. check id. Escape if not valid
  2. check email

This tool allows a shortcut method for putting filter and validating functions in escapble sequences.

It is modelled after https://github.com/grithin/php-conform#rule-item-prefixes , but I decided to change the separation styles:

  • | used for separating functions
  • : used for separating a function from parameters
  • , used for separating parameters


//+ { prep work
import Conform from '@headhr/conform'

const delayed_promise = (v: any = false) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout((() => { resolve(v) }), 200) })

const conformer = {
    mutate: function (v) {
        return v + 'bob';
    delay_mutate: function (v) {
        const delayed_promise = (v: any = false) => {
            return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout((() => { resolve(v) }), 200) })
        return delayed_promise(v + 'bob')
    reject: function (v) {
        throw  {message:'fail'};
        // throw new Error('fail');
//+ }

// three ways to set up conformers
let conform = new Conform({}, { conformers: { c: conformer } })
conform.addConformer('c', conformer)
conform.conformers.c = conformer

// two ways to set input
let input = { 'name': 'bob', 'age': '123' }
conform = new Conform(input)
conform.input = input

conform.conformers.c = conformer

// running rules
let rule_runner = async () => {
    let rules = { name: 'c.mutate | c.delay_mutate' }
    let output = await conform.get(rules)

{name: 'bobbobbob'}

// errors
rule_runner = async () => {
    let rules = { name: 'c.reject' }
    let output = await conform.get(rules)
    // field remains whatever it was prior to the error
    { name: 'bob' }
    [ { e: // the thrown error
        field: 'name',
        rule: { flags: { }, params: [], fn_path: 'c.reject' }
    } ]
    { e: // the thrown error
        field: 'name',
        rule: { flags: { }, params: [], fn_path: 'c.reject' }

// only breaking errors prevent output from containing the field
rule_runner = async () => {
    let rules = { name: '!c.reject' }
    let output = await conform.get(rules)
    // field remains whatever it was prior to the error


In JS you can throw an object

throw {message:'fail', fields:['name', 'id']};

Doing it this way you can include other details besides the error message