
This repo contains a theme to use as a base theme.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hopinHugoBaseTheme from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@hopin/hugo-base-theme';


Hopin Base Hugo Theme

Build and Test Publish

This repo contains a theme to use as a base theme.


Step 1: Install via NPM

npm install --save @hopin/hugo-base-theme

Step 2: Use via Gulp

const basetheme = require('@hopin/hugo-base-theme');

gulp.task('hopin-base-theme', () => {
  return basetheme.copyTheme(path.join(__dirname, `themes`, 'hopin-base-theme'));

Step 3: Add to Config

Then add the hopin-base-theme to your sites config:

    "baseURL": "...",
    "languageCode": "...",
    "title": "...",
    "publishDir": ".public",

    "theme": ["...", "hopin-base-theme"],

Step 4: Add parameters

There are a few optional parameters you will likely want to set in your site config:

  "params": {
    "shorttitle": "Base Site",
    "description": "This is the site description",
    "themecolor": "#C0FFEE",
    "googleanalytics": "UA-123456789-1",
    "socialimage": "/images/default-social.png",
    "twittercreator": "@gauntface"