
defaultViewport: object containing zoom, latitude, and longitude properties that define the default / reset viewport - children: any children (e.g. legend) - onHover: handler function for hovering over a feature - onClick: handler function for clicking on a feature - onLoad: handler function for when the map has loaded - maxBounds: form of a Mapbox LngLatBoundsLike array of arrays, [[lng,lat], [lng,lat]]. - ContainerProps: an object containing props to pass to the container div - sources: an array of source objects following mapboxgl source format - layers: an array of layer styles (with optional additional parameters for beforeId and interactive)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hyperobjektMapbox from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@hyperobjekt/mapbox';



<Mapbox />


  • defaultViewport: object containing zoom, latitude, and longitude properties that define the default / reset viewport
  • children: any children (e.g. legend)
  • onHover: handler function for hovering over a feature
  • onClick: handler function for clicking on a feature
  • onLoad: handler function for when the map has loaded
  • maxBounds: form of a Mapbox LngLatBoundsLike array of arrays, [[lng,lat], [lng,lat]].
  • ContainerProps: an object containing props to pass to the container div
  • sources: an array of source objects following mapboxgl source format
  • layers: an array of layer styles (with optional additional parameters for beforeId and interactive)

Any additional props are passed on to the ReactMapGL Interactive Map


A map centered on New York City

const CustomMap = (props) => (
      zoom: 11,
      latitude: 40.74,
      longitude: -73.96,

Setting Map Bounds

Use the maxBounds prop in the form of a Mapbox LngLatBoundsLike array of arrays, [[lng,lat], [lng,lat]].

const BoundMap = (props) => (
      zoom: 11,
      latitude: 40.74,
      longitude: -73.96,
      [-107.6, 33.8],
      [-65, 49.9],

Getting the ReactMapGL ref

The component forwards the ref to ReactMapGL ref, so you can get the mapboxgl map for advanced usage.

const AdvancedMap = (props) => {
  const mapRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (mapRef.current) {
      // gives you access to StaticMap methods from ReactMapGL
      // https://visgl.github.io/react-map-gl/docs/api-reference/static-map#methods
      const map = mapRef.current.getMap()
      // do something with the map

  }, [mapRef.current])

  return (


A collection of hooks are provided to allow access to map viewport information and manipulation.


Provides map viewport value and setter

const [viewport, setViewport] = useMapViewport();

Viewport value looks like:

  width: 400,
  height: 400,
  latitude: 37.7577,
  longitude: -122.4376,
  zoom: 8


Provides pixel dimensions of the map viewport

const [width, height] = useMapSize();


Provides a function that will fly the map to a state when given a fips code.

const flyToState = useFlyToState();


Provides a function that will fly the map to a GeoJSON feature

const flyToFeature = useFlyToFeature();


Provides a function that will fly the map to a provided latitude, longitude, and zoom;

const flyToLatLon = useFlyToLatLon();
flyToLatLon(37, -122, 8);


Provides a function that flies the viewport back to the default viewport (set on the <MapBase /> component with defaultViewport prop).

const flyToReset = useFlyToReset();


This is the store where all the other hooks pull from. You can access parts of the other hooks from this one. Helpful if you want to be able to access a setter but avoid re-renders, for example, with useMapViewport().

The following can be retrieved from the store:

const setViewport = useMapStore((state) => state.setViewport);
  • loaded: true or false, depending on if the map is loaded or not
  • setLoaded: setter for loaded state
  • resetViewport: the default viewport object
  • setResetViewport: setter for reset viewport
  • viewport: the current viewport object
  • setViewport: setter for current viewport
  • hoveredFeature: the currently hovered feature (if any)
  • setHoveredFeature: setter for hovered feature