
Aurora expression, an template expression evaluation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ibyarExpressions from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ibyar/expressions';


Aurora Expression

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Aurora expression, is a JavaScript expression parsing and evaluation. and template expression evaluation, with stack and scope.

  • this package has no dependance, can work on both (Node.js) and any Web Browsers, that support modules and class syntax


npm i --save @ibyar/expressions
yarn add @ibyar/expressions


import { JavaScriptParser, Scope, Stack } from '@ibyar/expressions';

const source = `
    let { x, y } = {x: 5, y: 55};
    const z = x / y;
    console.log({x, y, z});
    const alex = { firstName: 'alex', lastName: 'jon', age: 30 };
    alex.fullName = function(){ return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;};
    setTimeout(() => console.log('setTimeout', alex), 500);
    const sara = { firstName: 'sara', lastName: 'jon', age: 28, [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'SARA'};
    console.log('toStringTag', Object.prototype.toString.call(sara));
    console.log('compare', sara.age <=> alex.age);
    console.log('older', sara.age >? alex.age);
    console.log('younger', sara.age <? alex.age);
    console.log('typeof', typeof alex);
    console.log('typeof', typeof alex.age);
    console.log('regex 1', /regex/g.test('reg'));
    console.log('regex 2', /regex/g.test('regex'));
    'let stringLiteralExample = `${alex.firstName} and ${sara.firstName} are friends`; console.log({stringLiteralExample});'
    function latex(str) {
        return { "cooked": str[0], "raw": str.raw[0] }
    'let taggedStringLiteral = latex`Hi\n${2+3}!`; console.log({taggedStringLiteral});'

const pipeSource = `
const add = (arg1, arg2) => arg1 + arg2;
    |> function(s) {return s;}
    |> (c => b = c + 1)
    |> add(?, 2)
    |> add(3, ?)
    |> console.log:4:5;`;

const ast = JavaScriptParser.parse(source + pipeSource);
const esTree = ast.toJSON();
const esTreeString = JSON.stringify(ast, void 0, 2);
console.log({ esTree, esTreeString });
const context = {
const stack = Stack.for(context);
const globalScope = Scope.functionScopeFor({
    a: 7,
    b: undefined
    'from global context values: x: %s, y: %s',

follow ast of ESTree


  • V8 JavaScript engine to parse js source code.
  • for now this parser does not provide any info about SourceLocation

Future Feature

  • class expression
  • Import/Export module
  • Custom Factory Builder to convert the code to ESTree directly or to executable expression node


Operator type Individual operators
member . []
call / create instance () new
negation/increment ! ~ - + ++ -- typeof void delete
multiply/divide * / % ** %%
addition/subtraction + -
bitwise shift << >> >>>
relational < <= > >= >? <? <=> in instanceof
equality == != === !==
bitwise-and &
bitwise-xor ^
bitwise-or \|
logical-and &&
logical-or \|\|
conditional ?:
pipeline \|>
assignment = += -= *= **= /= %= <<= >>= >>>= &= ^= \|= &&= \|\|= ??= >?= <?= %%=
comma ,

non-ecma operator are %% >? <? <=> >?= <?= %%=

Pipeline Operator |> Support

  • support angular-like syntax and partial operator for a call syntax:
x |> methodName1:arg2:arg3
  |> methodName2(arg1, ?, ...arg3);

function add(x, y, z) { return x + y + z };
const a = 88;
const b = 99;
const c  = 11;
const z =  a |> add:b:c; // === add(a, b, c)
function map(num){
    return { number: num };
function plus(num1){
    return function(num2){
        return num1 + num2;
function add(x, y) { return x + y };
const a = 88, b = 11;
b 	|> function(x) { console.log(x); return x; }
    |> x => { console.log(x); return x; }
    |> (x => x + 10)
    |> plus(a)
    |> add(99, ?)
    |> add : 88 : ?
    |> add : ? : 77
    |> map

How to use stack and scope:

1- create stack:

import { Scope, Stack } from '@ibyar/expressions';

const stack1 = new Stack();

// OR

const scope1 = new Scope<{x: number, y: number}>( {x: 8, y: 6}, 'block');
const scope2 = Scope.blockScopeFor({z: 9});

const stack2 = new Stack([scope1, scope2]);

2- any of the previous stacks, does not provide and public api like Math, String, .... you need to provide these values to the stack, the stack work as a sandbox, isolated from the js-VM.

import { ReadOnlyScope } from '@ibyar/expressions';

    Math: {
        E: Math.E,
        LN10: Math.LN10,
        LN2: Math.LN2,
        LOG10E: Math.LOG10E,
        LOG2E: Math.LOG2E,
        PI: Math.PI,
        SQRT1_2: Math.SQRT1_2,
        SQRT2: Math.SQRT2,

        abs: Math.abs,
        acos: Math.acos,
        asin: Math.asin,
        atan: Math.atan,
        atan2: Math.atan2,
        ceil: Math.ceil,
    // or 
    // another object
    Array: {
        // in js a statement like `let x = new Array()` will throw exception.
        isArray: Array.isArray,

    Array, // `let x = new Array()` no Error.

so now you can write js code the use these as identifier

3- the stack is ready to use with expression 4- try to parse an expression like let x = 'data'; console.log(x);.

import { JavaScriptParser } from '@ibyar/expressions';

const ast = JavaScriptParser.parse(`let x = 'data'; console.log(x);`);

// use get method to execute an expression and return a value if available.

// it should print 'data' on the console

5- you can visit the ast

import { expressionVisitor, VariableDeclaration } from '@ibyar/expressions';

expressionVisitor.visit(ast, (expression, type, control) => {
    if (type === 'VariableDeclaration') {
        const kind = (expression as VariableDeclaration).getKind();