
A simple TICK emitter. So you can TICK when you TOCK.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ichabodcoleTicker from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ichabodcole/ticker';


Ticker JS

A simple TICK emitter. So you can TICK when you TOCK.


npm install @ichabodcole/ticker

Basic Usage

import {
  TickerEvent, { type: TickerEvent }
  TickerEventTypes, // START | TICK | STOP
  TickerStates,  // TICKING | STOPPED
} from '@ichabodcole/ticker'

// The Ticker constructor takes an interval
// in milliseconds; defaults to 50.
const ticker = new Ticker(100)

// Do your cool biznis every 100 milliseconds 4EVRRRR
function myCoolBiznis(e: TickerEvent) {
  console.log('Cool Dude!', e.type);

// Do cool stuff on TICK
ticker.on(TickerEventTypes.TICK, myCoolBiznis)

// Start the ticking
ticker.start() // You can listen for the START event too, ticker.on(TickerEventTypes.START, ...)

// check the ticker state if you want 
console.log(ticker.state) // "TICKING"

// Stop doing cool stuff on TICK, WNEVRRRR
ticker.stop() // You can listen for the STOP event too, ticker.on(TickerEventTypes.STOP, ...)

console.log(ticker.state) // "STOPPED"

// Remove the listener for this event
ticker.off(TickerEventTypes.Tick, myCoolBiznis)