
Node.js SDK for Idfy REST API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import idfySdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@idfy/sdk';


Idfy Node.js SDK

Build Status npm (scoped)

A Node.js SDK for simple integration with the Idfy REST API.


npm install @idfy/sdk --save 


Sample Usage

All methods return a Promise that resolves with the response body returned from the API.

The example below shows how to get the details of a single document.

const { IdfyClient } = require('@idfy/sdk');

// Initialize client with your credentials and desired scopes
const client = new IdfyClient(
  ['document_read', 'document_write']

// Make a call to retrieve the document
  .then((document) => {
    console.log(`Retrieved document: ${document.title}`);

Typescript Usage

The Idfy SDK comes with built-in typings.

import { IdfyClient } from '@idfy/sdk';

const client: IdfyClient = new IdfyClient(/* ... /*);
