
Contents in the original book.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ifct2017Contents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ifct2017/contents';


Contents in the original book.

This is part of package ifct2017.
Online database: ifct2017.github.io.

const contents = require('@ifct2017/contents');
// contents(query)
// → matches [{sno, title, pagenos}]

contents('table 2');
contents('Water soluble vitamins');
// [ { sno: '6.2.',
//     title: 'Table 2:  Water Soluble Vitamins',
//     pagenos: '31' } ]

contents('what is page number of table 3?');
contents('fat soluble vitamin page number');
// [ { sno: '6.3.',
//     title: 'Table 3:  Fat Soluble Vitamins',
//     pagenos: '61' } ]
// Additional methods:
contents.load() // → corpus
contents.sql([table], [options]) // → sql statements
contents.csv() // → path of csv file

Data was obtained from the book Indian Food Composition Tables 2017.
Food composition values were measured by National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad.