
A vanilla JavaScript mobile-friendly before/after comparison slider.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import indaneeyImatch from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@indaneey/imatch';



A vanilla JavaScript mobile-friendly before/after comparison slider, to view the difference between two images with mouse drag and touch swipe events.

Some Fetaures

  • Both Desktop & Mobile
  • Built-in Animation
  • Touch Support
  • Easy to Customise CSS Style
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Easy to intergrate
  • Both Horizontal & Vertical Slide
  • Pure JavaScript


preview image

check index.html in samplePage folder for live Preview.


# Basic Node.JS installation
npm install @indaneey/imatch --save


Import imatch() from imatch

import { imatch } from '@indaneey/imatch';


Calling iMatch using require()

var iMatch = require('imatch');
var slider = new iMatch();

Calling iMatch using script tag

<script src="imatch.min.js"></script>

and then in script tag create iMatch() instance

var slider = new iMatch();

Create Container With HTML Elements

First step, you have to create a container where you want your comparison slider to be. And add two different images inside with <img> tags.

NOTE: Don't add three HTML Elements inside your container, because it will not works on three images, only two images are allowed. Also single one image will not work. JUST TWO(2) IMAGES!!


<div class="container">
    <img src="./assets/match1_1.jpg" alt="image One">
    <img src="./assets/match1_2.jpg" alt="image Two">

Set Data Attribute To Container

To create a caption for your slider you have to set data attribute to your image tags.


<div class="container">
    <img data-caption="Before" src="./assets/match1_1.jpg" alt="image One">
    <img data-caption="After" src="./assets/match1_2.jpg" alt="image Two">

The data attribute must be data-caption then follow by your caption text.

Set Container Size

Here is most important part. Set your container width and height using CSS. And then iMatch.js will use these properties to create your slider.

NOTE: If not set width and height properties, the iMatch will not generate comparison slider for us.


    width: 300px;
    height: 600px;

Attach Container To iMatch.js

After creating a container, you have to also create an iMatch instance too. And then attach them together. Write your container class attribute or id attribute name as iMatch() parameter in string format


  var slider = new iMatch('.container')


iMatch.js has a method called compare() that will use to configure slider properties and display slider to screen.


  var slider = new iMatch('.container')

NOTE: If not write this method, the iMatch.js will not generate comparison slider for us.

This method has different properties

  • direction
  • animation
  • lineClassName
  • arrowClassName


  var slider = new iMatch('.container')
          direction: 'HORIZONTAL', // horizontal or vertical value required in string
          animation: true,         // Boolean
          lineClassName: 'line',   // slider line class name for CSS style in string
          arrowClassName: 'dot'    // center rectangle class name for CSS style in string

direction property [ string ]
This property is used to set your slider movement direction between horizontal or vertical in string format.

animation property [ boolean ]
This property is used to enable or unable the build-in animation.

lineClassName property [ string ]
This property is a class name of slider line, it will be use to styling using CSS.


  var slider = new iMatch('.container')
          lineClassName: 'line',   // slider line class name for CSS style in string


    background-color: red

arrowClassName property [ string]
This property is a class name of center rectangle of line, it will be use to styling using CSS.


  var slider = new iMatch('.container')
          arrowClassName: 'dot',   // slider line class name for CSS style in string


    background-color: red;
    border-radius: 50%


Developed by Indaneey_design. for any support contact me here