
A collections of filters to use with Nunjucks and Eleventy.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import injmsQuackNunjucksFilters from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@injms/quack-nunjucks-filters';


๐Ÿฆ† Quack Nunjucks filters

A collection of small, simple, opinionated filters that can be used with Nunjucks and Eleventy.

What do these filters do?


Takes a string of CSS and minifies it.


Does nothing apart from display the thing in the console.

{{ "hello world" | debug }} // returns "hello world" unchanged and logs "hello world" in the console

Can be used multiple times so you can see what something is before and after it goes through a filter:

{{ "22 July 2020" | debug | humandate('pt') | debug }}

// returns "22 de julho de 2020"; also logs "22 July 2020" and then "22 de julho de 2020" in the console.


Takes a date that can be understood by Date.parse() and returns a human readable version.

{{ '2020-06-23T20:07:58.800Z' | humandate }} // 23 July 2020

Supports internationalisation - pass in a langauage or a language-country code:

{{ '2020-06-23T20:07:58.800Z' | humandate('pt') }} // 23 de junho de 2020
{{ '2020-06-23T20:07:58.800Z' | humandate('es-HN') }} // 23 de junio de 2020


Takes a string of Markdown and returns a string of HTML. A simple wrapper around MarkdownIt.

{{ '*bold* text' | markdownify | safe }} // <b>bold</b> text

The markdownify filter requires use of Nunjuck's safe filter to output - so make sure you trust the string being markdownified.

Credit where credit is due, this idea was completely pinched from Hugo's markdownify function.


Takes a string or a markSafe object, and adds an attribute or property to it.

{{ 'This is some text' | addattribute('lang', 'en') }} // <span lang="en">This is some text</span>

Could also be set up to add a specific attribute - for example, rel:

env.addFilter('addrel', (element, content) => addattribute({
  attribute: 'rel',

could then be used

{{ '<a href="https://example.com/next-article/">Next article</a>' | addrel('next') }} // <a href="https://example.com/next-article/" rel="next">Next article</a>

Set up

Requires Node 14.x and npm 6.x.


First install this as a dependency in your project:

npm install @injms/quack-nunjucks-filters

Using in Nunjucks

const nunjucks = require('nunjucks')

const {
} = require('@injms/quack-nunjucks-filters')

const env = new nunjucks.Environment()

env.addFilter('cssmin', (css) => cssmin(css))
env.addFilter('debug', (thing) => debug(thing))
env.addFilter('humandate', (datestring, locale) => humandate(datestring, locale))
env.addFilter('isodate', (datestring) => isodate(datestring))
env.addFilter('markdownify', (markdown) => markdownify.render(markdown)) // Note the use of `render()`

And now you can use these filters wherever you use env to render markup; for example:

env.renderString('<time datetime="{{ date | isodate }}">{{ date | humandate('en-AU') }}</time>', { date: 1592942878800 })


<time datetime="2020-06-23T20:07:58.800Z">23 July 2020</time>

Using with Eleventy

Import the filters into the .eleventy.js file:

// .eleventy.js

const {
} = require('@injms/quack-nunjucks-filters')

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
  eleventyConfig.addFilter('cssmin', (css) => cssmin(css))
  eleventyConfig.addFilter('debug', (thing) => debug(thing))
  eleventyConfig.addFilter('humandate', (datestring, locale) => humandate(datestring, locale))
  eleventyConfig.addFilter('isodate', (datestring) => isodate(datestring))
  eleventyConfig.addFilter('markdownify', (markdown) => markdownify.render(markdown)) // Note the use of `render()`

  // rest of Eleventy's config and setup

Now these can be used in the template:

<!-- blog-post.njk -->

<h2>{{ blog_post_title }}</h2>
<time datetime="{{ publish_time | isodate }}">
  {{ publish_time | humandate }}

{{ author_biography | markdownify }}

๐Ÿงช Testing

Clone the repo; run npm install; and then run npm test will run all the tests.

Tests use Mocha, Chai, and Sinon.

๐Ÿ‘” Linting

npm run lint will lint all the JavaScript files.

This is linted using a slightly extended version of standard. The only adjustment is that trailing commas - comma-dangle - are allowed to give a better diff.

๐Ÿž Bugs and issues

Make sure to check the issues page before raising a new issue please - ta!