
A search service for the Internet Archive

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import internetarchiveSearchService from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@internetarchive/search-service';


Internet Archive Search Service

A service for searching and retrieving metadata from the Internet Archive.


npm install @internetarchive/search-service



import {
} from '@internetarchive/search-service';

const searchService = SearchService.default;
const dateSort = new SortParam('date', 'desc')
const params = new SearchParams({
  query: 'collection:books AND title:(goody)',
  sort: [dateSort],
  rows: 25,
  start: 0,
  fields: ['identifier', 'collection', 'title', 'creator']

const result = await searchService.performSearch(params);
if (result.success) {
  const searchResponse = result.success;
  searchResponse.response.numFound // => number
  searchResponse.response.docs // => Metadata[] array
  searchResponse.response.docs[0].identifier // => 'identifier-foo'

Fetch Metadata

const metadataResponse: MetadataResponse = await searchService.fetchMetadata('some-identifier');

metadataResponse.metadata.identifier // => 'some-identifier'
metadataResponse.metadata.collection.value // => 'some-collection'
metadataResponse.metadata.collection.values // => ['some-collection', 'another-collection', 'more-collections']

Metadata Values

Internet Archive Metadata is expansive and nearly all metadata fields can be returned as either an array, string, or number.

The Search Service handles all of the possible variations in data formats and converts them to their appropriate types. For instance on date fields, like date, it takes the string returned and converts it into a native javascript Date value. Similarly for duration-type fields, like length, it takes the duration, which can be seconds 324.34 or hh:mm:ss.ms and converts them to a number in seconds.

There are parsers for several different field types, like Number, String, Date, and Duration and others can be added for other field types.

See src/models/metadata-fields/field-types.ts


metadata.collection.value // return just the first item of the `values` array, ie. 'my-collection'
metadata.collection.values // returns all values of the array, ie. ['my-collection', 'other-collection']
metadata.collection.rawValue // return the rawValue. This is useful for inspecting the raw response received.

metadata.date.value  // return the date as a javascript `Date` object

metadata.length.value  // return the length (duration) of the item as a number of seconds, can be in the format "hh:mm:ss" or decimal seconds



npm install


npm run test


npm run start


npm run format