
Deploy a folder to your ftp. Note, this is basically a specialized (typed) proxy of the awesome ftp-deploy

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import isthatcenteredDeployToFtp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@isthatcentered/deploy-to-ftp';



Deploy a folder to your ftp. Note, this is basically a specialized (typed) proxy of the awesome ftp-deploy


const deployToFTP = require("./")
const dotenv = require("dotenv")


const pathToFolderToDeploy = "./dist" // 👨‍🍳 You can use __dirname or process.cwd() if you want more control over the path. But you probably don't nee to

    // Where to place the files on your FTP
    into: "web",
    // FTP host
    host: process.env.FTP_HOST,
    // FTP port
    port: process.env.FTP_PORT,
    // FTP user
    user: process.env.FTP_USER,
    // FTP user password
    password: process.env.FTP_PASSWORD,
    // 🛑 Deletes ALL existing files at destination path (config.into) before uploading when true
    cleanupExisting: true,
}).then(status => {
    // 👨‍🍳 To keep type safety, the function never throws
    if (status.type === "failure") {

        // 👨‍🍳 But if you really must you can always do it anyway
        throw error
    } else {
        console.log(status.report) // [ 'uploaded dist/cjs/index.d.ts','uploaded dist/cjs/index.js' ],[ 'uploaded dist/esm/index.d.ts', ] ]