
Keycloak SSO reusable module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jabardigitalserviceNuxtModuleKeycloak from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@jabardigitalservice/nuxt-module-keycloak';



Pluggable NuxtJS module for Keycloak SSO functionality.


  • Dynamic vuex module registration under user-defined namespace.
  • Inject Keycloak instance into Nuxt context.
  • Auto-register middleware for Keycloak initiation, authentication, and refresh token. Middleware can either be used globally, per layout, or per route.

Available Options

Options can be set inside module definition in nuxt.config.js or by using corresponding .env keys. | Name or .env key | Type | Attribute | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---- | | keycloakUrl, KEYCLOAK_URL | string | | | Keycloak auth URL in which authentication is performed. | | redirectUri, KEYCLOAK_REDIRECT_URL | string | | | Application URL to be redirected onto after authentication is performed and validated by keycloak. | | realm, KEYCLOAK_REALM | string | | | Keycloak realm. | | clientId, KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID | string | | | Keycloak client ID. | | refreshInterval, KEYCLOAK_INTERVAL | number | optional | 60000 | Keycloak refresh token interval in milliseconds. | | namespace, KEYCLOAK_NAMESPACE | string | optional | keycloak | Keycloak nuxt module namespace. Used as middleware name, vuex module namespace, and injected context property name. |

How to use

  1. Go to root folder of your Nuxt project and install this package.

    yarn add @jabardigitalservice/nuxt-module-keycloak
    # using NPM
    npm install @jabardigitalservice/nuxt-module-keycloak
  2. Assign module in nuxt.config.js

    export default {
      modules: [
        ['@jabardigitalservice/nuxt-module-keycloak', {
          namespace: 'keycloak',
          refreshInterval: 60000,
          clientId: KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID,
          realm: KEYCLOAK_REALM,
          keycloakUrl: 'https://your-keycloak-domain.app',
          redirectUri: 'https://your-webpage.app',
  3. Assign configured namespace as middleware value.

    // set globally in nuxt.config.js
    export default {
      router: {
        middleware: ['keycloak']
    // or in layout, e.g layout/default.vue
    export default {
      middleware: ['keycloak']
    // or in page, e.g pages/index.vue
    export default {
      middleware: ['keycloak']

Injected property/context/module

  • Use this.$keycloak (or this.lt;namespace>) to access Keycloak instance.
    // inside Vue component
    export default {
      methods: {
        logout () {
          return this.$keycloak.logout()
  • Injected instance can also be accessed using Nuxt context. Note: property name is based on namespace option.
    // inside your nuxt plugin, e.g plugins/some-fn.js
    export default (context) => {
      const keycloak = context.$keycloak;
    // shorthand
    export default ({ $keycloak }) => {}
  • Keycloak Vuex module is registered under namespace.
    // inside Vue component
    export default {
      computed: {
        ...mapState('keycloak', [


Ensure your store folder at least consist index.js, since Vuex would only be initiated by Nuxt using this way.