
Run bucklescript on the browser, including reason-react

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jchavarriBsPlatformJsReasonReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@jchavarri/bs-platform-js-reason-react';



This package purpose is to allow running BuckleScript on the browser, including the in-memory cmi and cmjs needed to compile any stdlib module, and reason-react modules as well.

Note: the package includes the stdlib .js files in stdlib folder, but for reason-react, only the cmi and cmj files are included, no runtime files (need to be fetched from npm or other package manager, see version below).

Latest build


reason-react: 0.8.0 bs-platform: 6c5eb5fce3faa00a75c3ea88de04574a963cbc55