
Fozzie Analytics - A utility that encapsulates the GTM / Google Analytics functionality

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import justeatFAnalytics from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@justeat/f-analytics';



Fozzie Bear

Encapsulates the GTM / Google Analytics functionality

npm version CircleCI Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities

This component abstracts away the gathering of the various data values needed for Google Analytics (GA) and the setting up of Google Tag Manager (GTM).
Once registered and the site is running it will prepare each page with the required GTM tags for pushing analytics to GA plus it will gather and store any serverside values to be used in analytics that are pushed to GA clientside.
You can see the GTM tags and any GA data by inspecting the header of the page and the dataLayer from the browser console in developer tools. If you exercise all the current functionality you will be able to see the following models {platformData: {…}}, {userData: {…}}, {pageData: {…}} & {event: ...} in the dataLayer.


  • Single component to record GA data rather than having logic & implementations scattered around in various features.
  • Self-sufficient: With only supplying a small amount of data this component will attempt to evaluate, gather and record all the data required (serverside and clientside) for the GA models: platformData, userData and pageData.
  • Provide the facility to push 'ad-hoc' GA events (even if serverside).
  • Allows the consumer to dictate if & when to push analytics to GA.
  • Allows the consumer to access this service globally via the name $gtm, i.e. this.$gtm.pushEvent({...}).
  • Customisation (via options) of the global variable name and also of the namespace used by the internal vuex store (i.e. if they clashes with names already in use within your site).
  • Each method returns the model it attempted to push to GA thus allowing you to view/test what has been constructed within each method.
  • Allows extra properties to be appended to each GA model by the consumer before the model is pushed.
  • Allows properties to be overridden on each GA model by the consumer before the model is pushed.


  • Install the module using npm or Yarn

    yarn add @justeat/f-analytics
    npm install @justeat/f-analytics
  • Import & Register

    F-Analytics is a simple class that performs various steps in the constructor during initialisation to prepare the service for use. To allow all of it's functionality to be available it is best to be declared/instantiated as a 'Nuxt - Plugin' and exposed as a global varible so it can be widely used without keep declaring and instantiating it. Once declared as a 'Nuxt - Plugin' it needs to be registered in the "nuxt.config.js". When instantiating the service it allows you to pass in options (see the Options section) that allow you to configure some of the static values that may need to change in your environment. Note when naming the 'Nuxt - Plugin' it needs to be run both client side and server side so do not include the terms client or server in the name of the new plugin

    In the example below it demonstrates how to declare and instantiate the f-analytics service in a plugin, and how you can create the options to pass into the service;


    import AnalyticsModule from '@justeat/f-analytics';
    export default (context, inject) => {
      const { store, req } = context;
      const options = {
        featureName: 'checkout-web',
        locale: 'en-GB',
        id: 'GTM-ABC123X'
      const service = new AnalyticService(store, req, options);
      inject(service.getOptions().globalVarName, service); // Use the default global variable name

    Then, finally, you need to register the plugin you have just created in the nuxt config, see below;


    const config = async () => {
      return {
        plugins: [
    export default config;

  • Methods

    • pushPlatformData()

      Evaluates and gather data for the platformData GA model and pushes it to the dataLayer


      this.$gtm.pushPlatformData({ featureName: custom-web, locale: en-AU, customFields: { custom1: 'one', branding: 'new20' } });


      (object) {

      • (string) featureName (optional) (default is whatever was set at the point of registration or whatever was reset using the setOptions() method. You may want to change this if working in on a SPA site and you want to change the feature name everytime the active page changed. Note that this will not persist the value unlike the actions of setOptions() method)
      • (string) locale (optional) (default is whatever was set at the point of registration and if not set at that point then the Options default. Note that this will not persist the value unlike the actions of setOptions() method)
      • (object) customFields (optional) (You may want to overwrite/add fields and this parameter allows you to indicate an object of fields/values that if already present will overwrite and if not then will be append to the model)


      Return value.

      (object) platformData model

      This will be the model constructed and pushed to the datalayer (handy for testing and debugging)


      This is ideally only called once per page so it is best suited at parent of the page component.
      It gathers most of its data clientside and so needs to be executed in beforeMount vue hook.
      Some of the data it needs can only be read serverside but this has already been gathered at the point the plugin was registered and then store internally until this method is executed.



      export default {
          components: {
          beforeMount () {

    • pushUserData()

      Evaluates and gather data for the userData GA model and pushes it to the dataLayer


      this.$gtm.pushUserData({ authtoken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9..., customFields: { custom1: 'one', role: 'admin' } });


      (object) {

      • (string) authToken (optional)
      • (object) customFields (optional) (You may want to overwrite/add fields and this parameter allows you to indicate an object of fields/values that if already present will overwrite and if not then will be append to the model)


      Return value.

      (object) userData model

      This will be the model constructed and pushed to the datalayer (handy for testing and debugging)


      This is ideally only called everytime the User status changes so it might best suited in the watch vue hook.
      It gathers most of its data clientside and so needs to be executed in a clientside hook.
      The method is very dependant on the authToken parameter and without it the userData model will only contain the anonymous user id.


      export default {
          watch: {
              // Watch for authentication token to become available
              isAuthFinished (newVal) {
                  if (newVal === true) {
                      this.$gtm.pushUserData({ authToken: this.authToken });

    • pushPageData()

      Evaluates and gather data for the pageData GA model and pushes it to the dataLayer


      this.$gtm.pushPageData({ pageName: accounts sign-up, customFields: { custom1: 'one' } });


      (object) {

      • (string) pageName
      • (number) httpStatusCode (optional)(only override this if you wish to change the default 200, i.e you may be displaying a custom static 404 page and want to record the value 404 instead of 200 or you may be displaying a successful account creation page and want to record the value 201 rather than 200)
      • (object) customFields (optional) (You may want to overwrite/add fields and this parameter allows you to indicate an object of fields/values that if already present will overwrite and if not then will be append to the model)


      Return value.

      (object) pageData model

      This will be the model constructed and pushed to the datalayer (handy for testing and debugging)


      This is ideally called everytime the Page status changes.
      It gathers most of its data clientside and so needs to be executed in a clientside hook.
      Some of the data it needs can only be read serverside but this has already been gathered at the point the plugin was registered and then store internally until this method is executed.

    • setOptions()

      Overrides the current Option values


      this.$gtm.setOptions({ featureName: checkout-web, locale: en-IE });


      (object) {

      • (string) featureName (optional)
      • (string) locale (optional) (default is whatever was set at the point of registration and if not set at that point then the Options default. Note that this method will persist the value)

      Return value.

      (object) options model

      This will be the current Options model (handy for testing and debugging)


      If working in on a SPA site and you want to change the feature name everytime the active page changes then use this method to override the featureName at the same time so all subsequent analytics contain the correct featureName. You may also need to change the current active locale and as such you will need to use this method to reset the locale at the same time so all subsequent analytics contain the correct data.
      Note that this method will persist the value/s until this method is called again or the plugin is re-registered.

    • getOptions()

      Gets the current Option values



      Return value.

      (object) options model

      This will be the current Options model.

    • pushEvent()

      Pushes the given event object to the dataLayer


      this.$gtm.pushEvent({ event object ... });


      (object) event

      Return value.

      (object) event model

      This will be the model constructed and pushed to the datalayer (handy for testing and debugging)


      This can be called at ad-hoc times to indicate an action, event or status as required by your Analytics team. The shape of the event object will be dictate by your Analylics team
      If this method is executed serverside then although the event cannot be pushed to GA (because it needs a GTM prepare DOM) it will be store internally until the plugin has re-registered clientside then any stored events will be pushed to GA.


      export default {
          watch: {
              if (isLoggedIn(type)) {
                  const loggedInEvent = {
                      event: 'loggedIn-`${type}`',
                      experiment: {
                          id: 'EX-1234',
                          name: 'Some experiment',
                          platform: 'experiment_api',
                          variant: {
                              name: 'increase_a'
                      version: 1


Note: although f-analytics gathers most of it's analytical data from within it does rely on some specific values to be supplied by your feature via an options object. See object spec. below:

Prop Name Example Optional/Required Default Description
namespace 'some_unique-namespace' Optional f-analytics This is used to ensure uniqueness with regards to internal objects, e.g. the internal Vuex Store used by this service, do not change unless you have an issue and need to use this namespace locally
globalVarName 'gtm' Optional gtm This is used to access the global service/methods, do not change unless you have an issue and need to use this name locally
featureName 'coreweb' Required This is used to identify analytics sent by your feature
locale 'en-GB' Optional en-GB This is used to calcualate various platform data values
id 'GTM-X1234Z' This is used know what GA account to push analytics to
auth 'authKey' Optional Please speak to your Analytics team for more information about this option
preview 'preview id' Optional (required if auth supplied) Please speak to your Analytics team for more information about this option
cookiesWin 'x-je-gtm_cookie' Optional (required if auth supplied) Please speak to your Analytics team for more information about this option

* Note; you don't have to supply the 'options' object (i.e. if testing) but the component will only operate in a limited capacity without it.

Environment variables

Although this component can gather most data with only the options object it also needs some values only available on the serverside and will expect these to be present to fulfil all of it's functionality.

Prop Name Type Example Description
justEatEnvironment Server Environment Variable staging This will indicate the current environment
FEATURE_VERSION Server Environment Variable 1.12.345.0 This will indicate the current version of the feature
INSTANCE_POSITION Server Environment Variable 004 This will indicate the current position of the AWD EC2 instance
IS_PILOT Server Environment Variable false This will indicate whether the server is a pilot or not
je-user_percentage cookie (httponly) 34 This will indicate the user percent value (this assist with experiment bucketing)


Start by cloning the repository and installing the required dependencies:

$ git clone git@github.com:justeat/fozzie-components.git
$ cd fozzie-components
$ yarn
$ yarn build

Change directory to the f-analytics package:

$ cd packages/services/f-analytics


To test all components, run from root directory. To test only f-analytics, run from the ./fozzie-components/packages/services/f-analytics directory.

Unit tests

yarn test