
Javascript client for transporting statistics

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import justeatFStatistics from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@justeat/f-statistics';



Fozzie Bear

A service for publishing statistics from the client side

npm version CircleCI Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities

This package is an MVP (not yet stable), if you want to use it contact the team first.

  • f-statistics is responsible for transporting statistics provided to it; for example response time statistics from f-http.

  • It is likely the transportation method may change.

Benefits (Now)

  • Hide away how statistics are transported from every day development.
  • Ability to be flexible with where our statistics are transported.
  • Ability for properties to be provided during initialisation, which are included in every publication.

Benefits (Soon)

  • Batching options - to decrease network usage
  • Sampling options - to increase scalability



yarn add @justeat/f-statistics


  • It is not possible to instantiate multiple versions of Just Log in a single website, so provide a prepared Just Log instance where you can, or initialise one yourself.
// Import the pre-requisite packages
import StatisticsModule from '@justeat/f-statistics';
import { justLog } from '@justeat/just-log';

// Initialise Just Log if one is not already available
    name: 'your website name',
    tenant: 'your tenant',
    version: 'your version number',
    environment: 'your environment name'

// Declare basic options
const statisticsConfiguration = {
    environment: 'your environment name',
    featureName: 'your website name',
    // optional batch logging config to overide the default values
    logsMaxByteSize: 2000,
    logsMaxLength: 5,
    logsIntervalTimer: 5000

// Optional (provide properties to publish with every statistic)
const baseProperties = {
  my_experiment_bucket: 'Bucket 1'

// Initialise a new instance of the statistics client
const statisticsClient = new StatisticsModule(justLog, statsConfiguration, baseProperties);

// Publish a statistic
    measureOne: 'Test',
    measureTwo: 'test'

// Optionally (Nuxt) inject the statistics client into context
inject('statistics', statisticsClient);


Options should be provided when initialising the statsModule Parameter | Required |Description | Type ------------- | ---- |------------- | ------------- environment | yes | The name of the environment being used | String featureName | yes | The name of your feature | String logsMaxByteSize | no | Total byte size of logs to store before triggering batch publishing | Number logsMaxLength | no | The number of logs to store before triggering batch publishing. Use 1 to publish immediately | Number logsIntervalTimer | no | Time in milliseconds to wait before publishing logs. Use 0 to disable batch publishing using timer | Number

Client Methods

These are all of the methods exposed by f-statistics

Method Description Parameters Example
publish Transports a message containing the payload provided object publish('This is a message', { measureOne: 'test', measureTwo: 'test' });