
Quickly include common Express middleware in your project.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kangojsCommonMiddleware from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@kangojs/common-middleware';



Quickly include common Express middleware in your project.

🤔 About

There are common middleware functions and packages that are used in a lot of Express projects.
This package bundles all those together into one central place to make it quicker and easier to include them.

While this package has been built mainly for use with KangoJS, it's not doing anything other than creating & managing Express middleware, so it should work in any Express project.

💥 Features

  • Common Middleware
    • Parse request data with express.json()
    • Parse URLs with express.urlencoded()
    • Configure CORS with the cors package
    • Parse incoming cookie data with the cookie-parser package
  • Handle common errors
    • Malformed requests will return a 400 error by default
    • Provides optional middleware for handing 404 errors
  • Configurable
    • All configuration options for packages are exposed if you need to customise them
    • All features can be disabled individually if you want to opt out of one or more of them
  • Other

🚀 Getting Started

Install the npm package:

npm install @kangojs/common-middleware

express is listed as a peer dependency as it's assumed that you'll have this dependency in your project already.

👷 Usage

Common Middleware

Using the common middleware in your app is as simple as calling the useCommonMiddleware function as shown below:

import { useCommonMiddleware } from '@kangojs/common-middleware';


This should be enough for most basic use cases, however you can pass configuration options if you need to customise any middleware (see below).


It's possible to pass configuration options to useCommonMiddleware which gives you fully control over the underlying middleware functions. For example:

import { useCommonMiddleware } from '@kangojs/common-middleware';

const options = {
  config: {
    cors: {} // object that matches CorsOptions from the cors package

useCommonMiddleware(app, options);

All configuration options are added to config as shown above and the available properties are as follows:

  • json - OptionsJson object to be passed to express.json
  • urlEncoded - OptionsUrlencoded object to be passed to express.urlencoded (IF NOT SUPPLIED A DEFAULT OF {extended: true} IS USED)
  • cors - CorsOptions object to be passed to cors,
  • cookieParser.options - CookieParseOptions object to be passed to cookie-parser,
  • cookieParser.secret - string | string[] | undefined to be passed to cookie-parser
  • malformedRequest - see below for details

Malformed Request Middleware

Part of the default behaviour of useCommonMiddleware is to add an error handler for malformed requests. If a request has malformed data this handler will return a response with a 400 status code and the following body data:

      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "The request data appears malformed."

You can customise the message that's shown by passing options to useCommonMiddleware like so:

import { useCommonMiddleware } from '@kangojs/common-middleware';

const options = {
  config: {
    malformedRequest: {
      message: "You've sent malfored request data you banana, try again."

useCommonMiddleware(app, options);

Route Not Found Middleware

Almost every Express app will have some form of 'route not found' (404) fallback response.
If you want to use the one provided by this package you can simply call useNotFoundMiddleware after all other route logic like so:

import { useNotFoundMiddleware } from '@kangojs/common-middleware';


When a request doesn't have any matching routes, a 404 response is returned with the following body data:

      "statusCode": 404,
      "message": "The requested route was not found."

You can customise the behaviour of useNotFoundMiddleware by passing any of these options:

Option Type Description
path string Used to specific a path for the middleware
message string Set a custom response message

Example use of these options:

import { useNotFoundMiddleware } from '@kangojs/common-middleware';

const options = {
  path: "/api/*",
  message: "That API route does not exist."

useNotFoundMiddleware(app, options);

Disabling Middleware

If you want to fully disable a particular middleware you can set its corresponding property to true in the disable config object, for example:

import { useCommonMiddleware } from '@kangojs/common-middleware';

const options = {
  disabe: {
    cookieParser: true

useCommonMiddleware(app, options);

Possible disable properties are as follows:

  • json to disable express.json
  • urlEncoded to disable express.urlencoded
  • cors to disable cors
  • cookieParser to disable cookie-parser
  • gnuTerryPratchett to disable adding the X-Clacks-Overhead header
  • malformedRequest to disable the built-in malformed request handling

🧰 Other KangoJS Packages

For all available KangoJS packages check out this list.

💬 Feedback & Contributions

I'm open to feedback and contributions. Feel free to raise an issue or suggest improvements and features.

📝 License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.