
A set of developer and devops utilities for projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import keymuxDevUtils from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@keymux/dev_utils';


Keymux Dev Utils

Build Status

Branch Status
Master Build Status
Dev Build Status



  • libssl-dev
  • libcurl4-openssl-dev



The directory-changed utility is intended to provide a portable way to diff specific elements of your repository in order to generate a comment for a pull request / merge request.



# Output a diff if changelog.txt has changed relative to my local master but don't error if not
yarn directory-changed --startsWith=changelog.txt --diffAgainstReference=master --noChangeExitCode=0


Each of these options can be provided optionally, else the default will be used.

name Required Default Explanation
startsWith no .changes Starting path to search for changes, usually a directory
noChangeMessage no No changes were found The message to output if there are no modifications found
noChangeExitCode no -1 The process exit code to use when no changes were found
gitDir no .git The location of the .git directory to use for diffing
diffAgainstReference no refs/remotes/origin/master The reference to diff against
diffFormatEngine no github The diff format engine

This will be expanded to include more options later, but for now, it only supports bitbucket and github, for which the outputs are the same.

  existing line
+ added line
- removed line
  existing line


Commit your changes before diffing

In order to properly execute the directory-changed script, you need to have already committed your changes. Staged or unstaged changes are not compared.


The mochawesome-markdown utility is intended to provide a portable way to convert mochawesome.json output into markdown format for easy digestion in a pull request comment.



# Setup shared variables

# Run mochawesome
yarn mocha \
  --reporter mochawesome \
  --reporter-options reportDir="${REPORT_DIR}" \

# Convert to markdown
yarn mochawesome-markdown \
  --mochawesome_json="${REPORT_DIR}/mochawesome.json" \
  | tee -a "${REPORT_DIR}/comment"


name Required Default Explanation
mochawesome_json yes The full path to the mochawesome.json file
tableHeader no Passed,Failed,Skipped,Total,Percent The header row of the table
fields no passes,failures,pending,tests,passPercent The arrangement of output fields
pre no "","*__","*","","" Pre-text per data cell, columns delimited by commas
post no "","__*","*","","%" Post-text per data cell, columns delimited by commas
header no Text to display above the table
footer no Text to display below the table


The nyc-markdown utility is intended to provide a portable way to convert nyc/istanbul output into markdown format for easy digestion in a pull request comment.



# Setup shared variables

yarn nyc \
  --reporter=lcov \
  --reporter=json-summary \
  --report-dir=${REPORT_DIR}/coverage \
  mocha test/**

yarn nyc-markdown \
  --coverage_filename "${REPORT_DIR}/coverage/coverage-summary.json" \
  | tee -a "${REPORT_DIR}/comment"


name Required Default Explanation
coverage_filename yes The full path to the coverage-summary.json file
tableHeader no Type,Covered,Skipped,Total,Percent The header row of the table*
pre no "","*__","*","","" Pre-text per data cell, columns delimited by commas
post no "","__*","*","","%" Post-text per data cell, columns delimited by commas
header no Text to display above the table
footer no Text to display below the table

* doesn't affect child rows currently, so it's not particularly useful unless you just want different names.