
A provider for supplying Redshift sourced analytics

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import koopjsProviderRedshiftAnalytics from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@koopjs/provider-redshift-analytics';


Koop Redshift Analytics Provider

A provider for querying and aggregating a telemetry data stored in Amazon Redshift.

Environment Variables

The following environment variable must be set in order to connect to your Redshift instance:


You can set different table/view sources for event and session queries by setting these additional environment variables:



Configuration settings

The provider requires some configuration settings. The code block below shows an example of these settings.

  "koopProviderRedshiftAnalytics": {
    "dimensions": ["day"],
    "metrics": ["pageViews", "sessions", "avgSessionDuration"],
    "defaultTimeRangeStart": {
      "interval": "day",
      "count": 30
    "eventLookup": {
      "pageViews": "page_view"

| Key | Type | Description | Example | |-|-|-|-| | dimensions | string[] | An array of attributes that you will allow your analytics to be dimensioned by. These can include database time intervals (day, month, year, etc that get represented as timestamp) as well as any columns in your database table. | ["day", "month", "hostname", "org"] | | metrics | string[] | An array of metric types that your data supports. | ["pageViews", "sessions"] | | defaultTimeRangeStart | object | A wrapper for settings related to defining a default start date for the time range of queries. The date will be a number of time intervals before the present. | | | defaultTimeRangeStart.interval| string | A database time interval (e.g., day, month, year). | 30 | | defaultTimeRangeStart.count| integer | The number of time intervals before the present to set the start of the time range. | 30 | | eventLookup | object | Non-session metrics will likely be related to specific "event types" such as page-views, downloads, etc. The eventLookup translates the metric name (e.g., pageViews) to the actual event-type value (e.g. page_view)| |


Path parameter

The provider is configured to have a single :id parameter. e.g.:


The :id parameter can be delimited to hold values for the request's metric, dimensions, and options:


The table below explains the components of the :id parameter:

| :id component | delimiter | Description | Required? | Example | |-|-|-|-|-| | metric | N/A | The requested metric. | Yes | pageView | | dimensions | : | Values of the requested dimensions. Request multiple dimensions by delimiting with a ,. | No | pageView:org,day | | options | ~ | Any provider specific options not representable with Geoservices API query parameters. Multiple options can submitted by delimiting with a ,. | No | pageView:org,day~transposeAndAggregate,otherOption |

So if you want to request the pageView metric, dimensioned by org and by day, with the transposeAndAggregate option, your request would look like:


Query Parameters


The time parameter adheres to the Geoservices API specification. It expects a comma delimited string that represent start and end times. null for either value will result in defaults. Non-null values can be in the following formats: Unix epoch time, YYYY-MM-DD, or an ISO8601 date string. If the request uses epoch time or YYYY-MM-DD, they should be in UTC.


The where parameter also adheres to the Geoservices API specification. It allows users to limit the result set to those that have specific dimension values. For example, where=hostname='koop.com' would remove all records that do not have a hostname dimension with value koop.com.