
configuration file generation solution for various environments in SASS Apps.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lazhConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lazh/config';



IMPORTANT ( Breaking Changes ) !!!


Configuration Tools Used to Generate the Configuration for various SASS Based Applications.

Configuration File Template

    "Name": "<AppName>",
    "Code": "<appCode>",
    "Envirnoments": [
        "EnvName": "<envName>",
        "EnvConfig": {
          "Key": "Value"


    "Name": "Sample App",
    "Code": "sample",
    "Envirnoments": [
        "EnvName": "cdev",
        "EnvConfig": {
          "Key": "Value"

Installation CLI

Just type the following statement to install CLI.

npm install -g @lazh/config


Commands :

  1. Generate

    • To Generate Configuration for App with its Environment.

    • Parameters: | Params | Description | Is Mandatory | | ----- | ------- | ------ | | path | To Provide Configuration File Path | Yes | | app | Name of the App available in Configuration | Yes | | env | Environment of the App available in Configuration | Yes | | output | Create config file with provided directory | No |
      | | |

    • To Use

      lzconfig generate --path=<path> --app=<appname> --env=<environment> --output=<output-path>
      lzconfig generate -p=<path> -a=<appname> -e=<environment> -o=<output-path>
      lzconfig generate -p <path> -a <appname> -e <environment> -o <output-path>
    • Example

      lzconfig generate --path=input.json --app=sample --env=cdev --output=e:\assets\config
      lzconfig generate -p=input.json -a=sample -e=cdev -o=e:\assets\config
      lzconfig generate -p input.json -a sample -e cdev -o e:\assets\config
    • Output

      • Config.json File will be generated with default or Specified Output Path.
  1. Help

    • Name of the App available in Configuration.
    • To Use
      lzconfig help | --help | -h
  2. Version

    • Environment of the App available in Configuration.
    • To Use
      lzconfig version | --version | -v


This Package was created under the MIT license.