
Ledger Hardware Wallet Cardano ADA API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ledgerhqHwAppAda from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ledgerhq/hw-app-ada';



Library for Ledger Hardware Wallets.

Github, API Doc, Ledger Devs Slack


This library is compatible with the Cardano ADA Ledger Application.


As well as the tests in @ledgerhq/test, automated end-to-end tests are provided here using mocha.

Core Tests

Core tests are provided for testing the base functionality of the device.

First, ensure you have a test build installed on the device (see ledger app respository for details). Then run:

yarn run core-test

API Tests

These test the production API and can be run either on a production build or headlessly for fully-automated testing.

For tests which require user interaction, ensure you have a standard production build of the app and run:

yarn run api-test

For headless tests, ensure you have a headless build installed on the device (see ledger app repository for details). Then run:

yarn run api-test --headless