
Lightweightform's numeric input

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lightweightformNumericInput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lightweightform/numeric-input';


Numeric input

Framework-agnostic numeric input elements. This library was created after successive attempts at implementing some numeric input requirements using multiple libraries for the creation of masked inputs such as Inputmask and Text Mask. These libraries offer generic solutions for the creation of masked inputs; unfortunately, some of our requirements for numeric inputs do not fit well with the notion of masks. As such, when attempting to use these libraries we continuously felt the need to override or patch certain library-imposed behaviours. It was thus simpler to create a library tailored to our numeric input needs.

This library converts <input> elements into numeric inputs which support the following:

  • Numbers have a set number of decimal places (scale) and begin to be written from the right-most decimal place, i.e. if the number is set to have a scale of 2 and the user types in 1, the resulting value is '0.01'.
  • Numbers support an arbitrary number of leading zeroes, i.e. if the number is set to have 4 leading zeroes and the user types in 1, the resulting value is '0001'.
  • The numeric input may represent an integer or a floating number; this means that the value '0.01' displayed in the input element may represent either the number 1 (integer) or the number 0.01 (float). Representing numbers as integers removes the risk of floating point errors.
  • Numeric inputs may set their minimum and maximum values which are validated as appropriate while the user is typing. Out of bound values may still be programmatically set on the numeric input.
  • A number's signal may be toggled by typing - anywhere in the input element.
  • Prefixes and suffixes are supported, e.g. specifying a prefix of ' will result in the number 0.01 to be formatted as '$0.01'; a suffix of '€' results in '0.01 €'.
  • The decimal and thousands separators of the numeric input may be specified, this means that we may choose to display the number 1234567.89 as '1.234.567,89' by setting the decimal separator as ',' and the thousands separator as '.'.
  • A number being written is automatically formatted as it is being written and the caret position is properly updated.
  • Empty values are supported (they represent null) and result from deleting the whole input element's text or from pressing Backspace or Delete when the numeric input's value is 0.

Allowed <input> elements

The library will work with inputs of type text, search, tel, and password; unfortunately, the number type is not supported. It is currently recommended to use a type of text as the tel type forces a virtual keyboard which, in some devices, does not contain a - key. In the future, the recommended way of forcing a numeric virtual keyboard should be with the attribute inputmode set to "numeric", see: Can I use... for browser compatibility.

Example usage

import { NumericInput } from '@lightweightform/numeric-input';

const inputElement = document.getElementById('some-input-element');
const numericInput = new NumericInput(inputElement, {
  numericRepresentation: 'int',
  scale: 2,
  suffix: ' €',
  decimalSeparator: ',',
  thousandsSeparator: ' ',

numericInput.toString(); // `'1 234,67 €'`
numericInput.toNumber(); // `1234567`


The @lightweightform/numeric-input API is available at: https://docs.lightweightform.io/api/numeric-input.


  • Internet Explorer: 11 (requires a String.prototype.repeat() polyfill)
  • Other browsers: Latest 2 versions


  • We use Number.prototype.toFixed(scale) to help format numbers. Most browsers support scale up to 100 (maximum value the numeric input API allows), however, some browsers only support scale up to 20 (which is valid according to the spec), so set scale > 20 at your own risk (will throw an exception in unsupported browsers).