
A simple, modern, interactive gantt library for the web

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lumeerFrappeGanttLumeer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lumeer/frappe-gantt-lumeer';


Frappe Gantt

A simple, interactive, modern gantt chart library for the web

View the demo ยป


npm install frappe-gantt


Include it in your HTML:

<script src="frappe-gantt.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="frappe-gantt.css">

And start hacking:

var tasks = [
    id: 'Task 1',
    name: 'Redesign website',
    start: '2019-12-28',
    end: '2019-12-31',
    progress: 20,
    dependencies: 'Task 2, Task 3',
    custom_class: 'bar-milestone', // optional
    swimlane: 'Steps',
    sub_swimlane: '1. Step',
    start_drag: false, //cannot change start date
    end_drag: true, //cannot change end date
    to_show_in_popup: "new-progress:My Custom Progress Text:progress" //custom class:custom text:name of task property to show
    id: 'Task 2',
    name: 'Write new content',
    start: '2019-10-03',
    end: '2019-10-06',
    progress: 20,
    dependencies: 'Task 3',
    editable: false, //cannot change any value (interactively)
    swimlane: 'Steps',
    sub_swimlane: '2. Step',
    id: 'Task 3',
    name: 'Deploy',
    start: '2019-10-04',
    end: '2019-10-06',
    progress: 5,
    dependencies: 'Task 4',
    primary_color: 'green',
    text_color: '#3399ff',
    swimlane: 'Final Stage',
    id: 'Task 4',
    name: 'Go Live',
    start: '2019-10-11',
    end: '2019-10-11',
    progress: 0,
    secondary_color: 'rgb(255, 51, 204)',
    name: 'Minimum',
    start: '2019-10-12',
    end: '2019-10-12',
var gantt = new Gantt("#gantt", tasks);

You can also pass various options to the Gantt constructor:

var gantt = new Gantt("#gantt", tasks, {
    header_height: 50,
    column_width: 30,
    step: 24,
    view_modes: ['Quarter Day', 'Half Day', 'Day', 'Week', 'Month'],
    bar_height: 20,
    bar_corner_radius: 3,
    arrow_curve: 5,
    padding: 18,
    view_mode: 'Day',   
    date_format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
    custom_popup_html: null

If you want to contribute:

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. cd into project directory
  3. yarn
  4. yarn run dev

License: MIT

Project forked from frappe and maintained by Lumeer