
DB scripts

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import luxuryescapesLibDb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@luxuryescapes/lib-db';



Common database scripts. These scripts require a postgres db container to be running. You can start these here infra-le-local-dev


See example PR, or follow instructions below:

yarn add -D @luxuryescapes/lib-db


You can optionally create a file called .lib-db.config to specify configuration This file format should be key value like below


Available strategies are pull (default) and logical-backup for larger databases.


Easiest way is to use in your repository's npm scripts

  "scripts": {
    "db:pull:test": "lib-db heroku-pull-test my_app my_heroku_app_name"


Note: If the DB you are backing up is large, please consider using the heroku-backup-test & heroku-restore-test commands instead.

lib-db heroku-pull-test <app_name> <heroku_app_name>

This script will pull down the database from the specified heroku app into a database called <app_name>_development

So for example if you do the following

lib-db heroku-pull-test svc_users test-svc-users

It will pull down the database from the heroku app named test-svc-users into a local db named svc_users_development

You can omit the arguments if you have APP_NAME and TEST_HEROKU_APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file


lib-db heroku-pull-prod <app_name> <heroku_app_name>

This script just prints an error at the moment


lib-db heroku-backup-test <app_name> <heroku_app_name> This script will download a backup of the database from the specified heroku app. it can optionally also create a new backup in the remote environment by adding the following to .lib-db.config;



lib-db heroku-restore-test <app_name> <heroku_app_name> This script will restore a backup of the database of the specified heroku app that is stored in your local container. Please run heroku-backup-test first to download the backup.


lib-db create <app_name>

Will create your db named <app_name>_development

You can omit the argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file

If you want to create a db for a different environment use the env var APP_ENV

e.g running APP_ENV=spec lib-db create my_app will create a db named my_app_spec


lib-db drop <app_name>

Will drop your db named <app_name>_development

You can omit the argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file

If you want to drop a db for a different environment use the env var APP_ENV

e.g running APP_ENV=spec lib-db drop my_app will drop a db named my_app_spec


lib-db schema <app_name>

Will export the schema of db named <app_name>_development to repo/schema.sql

You can omit the argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file

If you want to export the schema for a db for a different environment use the env var APP_ENV

e.g running APP_ENV=spec lib-db schema my_app will export the schema from the db named my_app_spec Alternatively you can define a different location using the REPO_DIRECTORY in your .lib-db.config file


lib-db snapshot <app_name>

Will snapshot your db named <app_name>_development into <app_name>_development_snapshot

You can omit the argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file


lib-db snapshot-restore <app_name>

Will restore your snapshot in <app_name>_development_snapshot into <app_name>_development

You can omit the argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file


lib-db migrate-create <migration_name> <app_name>

This will create a migration sql file. By default it will put it in the migrations folder within the repo folder which is relative to where you ran the command Alternatively you can define a different location using the REPO_DIRECTORY in your .lib-db.config file

You can omit the app_name argument if you have APP_NAME defined in your .lib-db.config file