
Youtube Embed Tool for Editor.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import m9hmoodsEditorjsYteTool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@m9hmoods/editorjs-yte-tool';


Youtube Embed Tool

Provides Youtube Embed for the EditorJS.


Install via NPM

Get the package

npm i --save-dev @m9hmoods/editorjs-yte-tool

Include module at your application

const YteEmbed = require('@m9hmoods/editorjs-yte-tool');

Download to your project's source dir

  1. Upload folder dist from repository
  2. Add dist/bundle.js file to your page.

Load from CDN

You can load specific version of package from jsDelivr CDN.


Then require this script on page with CodeX Editor.

<script src="..."></script>


Add a new Tool to the tools property of the EditorJS initial config.

var editor = new EditorJS({
  tools: {
    youtube: YteEmbed,

Or init Youtube Embed Tool with additional settings

var editor = EditorJS({
  tools: {
    youtube: {
      class: YteEmbed,
      config: {
        wrapperClass: '...',
        inputClass: '...',
        inputPlaceholder: '...',
        buttonClass: '...',
        buttonText: '...',
        invalidText: '...',

Output data

Field Type Description
url string Youtube Embed URL
    "type" : "youtube",
    "data" : {
      "url": "https://www.youtube.com/embed/[VIDEO_KEY]"