
magic harmony extension

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import magicExtHarmony from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@magic-ext/harmony';


Magic Extension Harmony Blockchain


npm i magic-sdk @magic-ext/harmony


Setup HarmonyExtension with magic-sdk

import { Magic } from 'magic-sdk';
import { HarmonyExtension } from '@magic-ext/harmony';

const magic = new Magic('YOUR_API_KEY', {
    extensions: [
        new HarmonyExtension({
            rpcUrl: 'harmony rpc url'

// or

const magic = new Magic('YOUR_API_KEY', {
    extensions: {
        hmy: new HarmonyExtension({
            rpcUrl: 'harmony rpc url'

Magic SDK

See the developer documentation to learn how you can master the Magic SDK in a matter of minutes.


Send Transaction

By passing transaction payload to magic.harmony.sendTransaction() method, it will automatically sign the transaction with current user and generate transaction object including signature, then send to Harmony node.

  const params = {
      //  token send to
      to: 'one1jzxhswufkh7wgyq7s49u3rvp9vlts8wcwsq8y2',
      // amount to send
      value: '50000',
      // gas limit, you can use string
      gasLimit: '210000',
      // send token from shardID
      shardID: 0,
      // send token to toShardID
      toShardID: 0,
      // gas Price, you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BN
      gasPrice: 1000000000,

  const tx = await magic.harmony.sendTransaction(params)


Deploy Contract

By passing deploy contract payload to magic.harmony.sendTransaction() method, it will automatically sign the transaction with current user and generate transaction object including signature, then send to Harmony node.

  const bin = '608060405234801561001057600080fd5b5060c68061001f6000396000f3fe6080604052348015600f576000' +
      '80fd5b506004361060325760003560e01c80636057361d146037578063b05784b8146062575b600080fd5b6060600480' +
      '36036020811015604b57600080fd5b8101908080359060200190929190505050607e565b005b60686088565b60405180' +
      '82815260200191505060405180910390f35b8060008190555050565b6000805490509056fea265627a7a723158209e86' +

  const contractBytecode = {
      data: `0x${bin}`,
      gasLimit: '210000',
      // send token from shardID
      shardID: 0,
      // send token to toShardID
      toShardID: 0,
      // gas Price, you can use Unit class, and use Gwei, then remember to use toWei(), which will be transformed to BN
      gasPrice: 1000000000,
      arguments: []

const tx = await magic.harmony.sendTransaction(contractBytecode);


Contract Send

By passing contract send payload to magic.harmony.sendTransaction() method, it will automatically sign the transaction with current user and generate transaction object including signature, then send to Harmony node.

const deployedContract = harmony.contracts.createContract(

const tx = await deployedContract.methods.store(900);

let { txPayload } = tx.transaction;

txPayload.from = "one1jzxhswufkh7wgyq7s49u3rvp9vlts8wcwsq8y2";
txPayload.gasLimit = '210000';
txPayload.gasPrice = '1000000000';

const txn = await magic.harmony.sendTransaction(txPayload)
