
Lightweight but versatile SVG pie/donut charts for React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import manosimReactMinimalPieChart from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@manosim/react-minimal-pie-chart';


React minimal pie chart

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Lightweight React SVG pie charts, with versatile options and CSS animation included. πŸ‘  Demo πŸ‘.

import PieChart from 'react-minimal-pie-chart';

    { title: 'One', value: 10, color: '#E38627' },
    { title: 'Two', value: 15, color: '#C13C37' },
    { title: 'Three', value: 20, color: '#6A2135' },


npm install react-minimal-pie-chart

If you don't use a package manager, react-minimal-pie-chart exposes also an UMD module ready for the browser.



Because Recharts is awesome, but when you just need a simple pie/donought chart, 3 kB of code are usually enough.



Property Type Description Default
data (required) Array The source data which each element is a segment. -
cx Number The x-coordinate of center. The value is the percentage of the component width 50
cy Number The y-coordinate of center. The value is the percentage of the component height 50
ratio Number The ratio of rendered svg element 1
startAngle Number The start angle of first sector 0
lengthAngle Number The total angle taken by the chart (can be negative to make the chart clockwise!) 360
totalValue Number The total value represented by the full chart -
radius Number The radius of the pie. The value is the percentage of the component's width 50
lineWidth Number The width of the line representing each sector. The value is the percentage of chart's radio (100 === full pie) 100
paddingAngle Number The angle between two sectors -
rounded Bool Round line caps of each sector false
segmentsStyle Object Style object assigned each segment -
animate Bool Animate sectors on component mount false
animationDuration Number Animation duration in ms 500
animationEasing String Animation CSS easing "ease-out"
reveal Number Turn on CSS animation and reveal just a percentage of each segment -
injectSvg Function Inject <svg> element with the output of the provided function (eg. gradients) -
label Boolean, ReactElement, Function If true set, labels will be drawn automatically. If ReactElement set, the option can be the custom label element. If set a function, the function will be called to render customized label. false
labelPosition Number Label position from origin. The value is the percentage of chart's radio (50 === middle point) 50
labelStyle Object Style object assigned by default to each label -
onClick Function Custom event handler of onClick on each sector : (event, data, dataIndex) => {} -
onMouseOver Function Custom event handler of onMouseOver on each sector : (event, data, dataIndex) => {} -
onMouseOut Function Custom event handler of onMouseOut on each sector : (event, data, dataIndex) => {} -

label prop

When label is a function or ReactElement, the provided entity will be called with the following object respectively as first argument or as props:

const labelProps = {
  key: string,
  x: number,
  y: number,
  dx: number,
  dy: number,
  textAnchor: string,
  data: {
    // props.data array extended with:
    degrees: number,
    startOffset: number,
    percentage: number,
  dataIndex: number,
  color: string,
  style: {[key: string]: string | number},

See some examples in the demo source.

Optional data.key value

Each data entry can also accept an optional key property just in case items' indexes weren't enough:

{ value: 10, key: 1, color: '#E38627' }

How to

User interactions with the chart

See demo and its source.

Browsers support

The main requirement of this library is an accurate rendering of SVG Stroke properties.

Not supported

  • IE ≀ 10

Partially supported

  • IE 11


How svg arc paths work?


Size comparison



  • Find a better paddingAngle implementation
  • Make a device/browser compatibility table
  • Background segment
  • Consider switching ReactMinimalPieChart to extend default React.Component
  • Consider moving storybook deployment to CI
  • Update to babel 7 along with Storybook
  • Get rid of duplicated looping logic in makeSegments and makeLabels
  • Configure Babel's "transform-object-rest-spread" with "useBuiltIns": true
  • Consider migrating source to TypeScript


Thanks to you all (emoji key):

Andrea Carraro

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸš‡ ⚠️ πŸ‘€

Stephane Rufer

πŸ› πŸ’»

JΓΈrgen Aaberg


Tobiah Rex


Edward Xiao


David Konsumer

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ’‘ πŸ€”

