
A source xPack with the µOS++ trace::printf() tracing infrastructure

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import microOsPlusDiagTrace from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@micro-os-plus/diag-trace';


license CI on Push

A source xPack with the µOS++ trace::printf() tracing infrastructure

This project provides support for a separate tracing channel, different from the standard output or error streams. The API is similar to the standard functions:

The project is hosted on GitHub as micro-os-plus/diag-trace-xpack.

Developer info

This section is intended to developers who plan to include this library in their own projects.


As a source xPacks, the easiest way to add it to a project is via xpm, but it can also be used as any Git project, for example as a submodule.


A recent xpm, which is a portable Node.js command line application.

For details please follow the instructions in the install page.


Note: the package will be available from npmjs.com at a later date.

For now, it can be installed from GitHub:

cd my-project
xpm init # Unless a package.json is already present

xpm install github:micro-os-plus/diag-trace-xpack

When ready, this package will be available as @micro-os-plus/diag-trace from the npmjs.com registry:

cd my-project
xpm init # Unless a package.json is already present

xpm install @micro-os-plus/diag-trace@latest

Git submodule

If, for any reason, xpm is not available, the next recommended solution is to link it as a Git submodule below an xpacks folder.

cd my-project
git init # Unless already a Git project
mkdir -p xpacks

git submodule add https://github.com/micro-os-plus/diag-trace-xpack.git \


Apart from the unused master branch, there are two active branches:

  • xpack, with the latest stable version (default)
  • xpack-develop, with the current development version

All development is done in the xpack-develop branch, and contributions via Pull Requests should be directed to this branch.

When new releases are published, the xpack-develop branch is merged into xpack.

User info


The tracing infrastructure is fully functional.


All functions have C equivalents:

int micro_os_plus::trace::printf (const char *format, ...) Write a formatted string to the trace device.

int micro_os_plus::trace::putchar (int c) Write the single character to the trace device.

int micro_os_plus::trace::puts (const char *s) Write the string and a line terminator to the trace device.

int micro_os_plus::trace::vprintf (const char *format, std::va_list arguments) Write a formatted variable arguments list to the trace device.


The following functions are available:

int trace_printf (const char *format,...) Write a formatted string to the trace device.

int trace_putchar (int c) Write the single character to the trace device.

int trace_puts (const char *s) Write the string and a line terminator to the trace device.

int trace_vprintf (const char *format, std::va_list arguments) Write a formatted variable arguments list to the trace device.


The application must provide an implementation for the following basic functions:

namespace micro_os_plus
  namespace trace
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    initialize (void)
      // TODO: open the trace device.

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    write (const void* buf, std::size_t nbyte)
      if (buf == nullptr || nbyte == 0)
          return 0;

      // TODO: write chars from buffer.

      // All characters successfully sent.
      return (ssize_t) nbyte;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    flush (void)
      ; // TODO flush port

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Build & integration info

To include this package in a project, consider the following details.

Source folders

  • src

Include folders

  • include

TODO: list the available headeres

Preprocessor definitions


Compiler options

  • -std=c++17 or higher for C++ sources
  • -std=c11 for C sources

C++ Namespaces

  • micro_os_plus::trace

C++ Classes

  • None



Known problems

  • none




The original content is released under the MIT License, with all rights reserved to Liviu Ionescu.