
Form Builder clients for Email, SMS, Submitter, User Data Store, User File Store, and JSON Web Token (for Node)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ministryofjusticeFbClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ministryofjustice/fb-client';



Clients for Email, SMS, Submitter, User Data Store, User File Store, and JWT.

JSON Web Token client

Base client for requests to endpoints which require a JSON Web Token for authentication.

Using a client

const FBJWTClient = require('@ministryofjustice/fb-client/user/jwt/client')

const jwtClient = new FBJWTClient(serviceSecret, serviceSlug, microserviceUrl, [errorClass])

Service Secret

A serviceSecret is required.

The constructor will throw an error if no serviceSecret is provided.

Service Slug

A serviceSlug is required.

The constructor will throw an error if no serviceSlug is provided.

Microservice URL

A microserviceUrl is required.

The constructor will throw an error if no microserviceUrl is provided.

Error Class

An errorClass is optional.


class FBMyClient extends FBJWTClient {
  constructor (serviceSecret, serviceSlug, microserviceUrl, [myVar]) {
    super(serviceSecret, serviceSlug, microserviceUrl)
    this.myVar = myVar // assign the optional constructor argument

const myClient = new FBMyClient('service_secret', 'myservice', 'http://myservice', ['my var'])
// a custom error class extending the base error class
class FBAnotherClientError extends FBJWTClient.prototype.ErrorClass {}

class FBAnotherClient extends FBJWTClient {
  constructor (serviceSecret, serviceSlug, microserviceUrl) {
    super(serviceSecret, serviceSlug, microserviceUrl, FBAnotherClientError)


  • generateAccessToken

    Generate a JWT access token

  • createEndpointUrl

    Create the URL for an endpoint

  • sendGet

    Dispatch GET requests to an endpoint

  • sendPost

    Dispatch POST requests to an endpoint

  • encrypt

    Encrypt data with AES 256

  • decrypt

    Decrypt data

  • encryptUserIdAndToken

    Encrypt the user ID and token using the service secret

  • decryptUserIdAndToken

    Decrypt the user ID and token using the service secret

  • handleRequestError

    This function will be invoked with an error an argument when the transaction fails

  • createRequestOptions

    Create request options, whether GET or POST

  • throwRequestError

    This function can be invoked to throw request errors

JSON Web Token client implementations

Data Store client

Client for requests to datastore endpoints.

Using a client

const FBUserDataStoreClient = require('@ministryofjustice/fb-client/user/datastore/client')

const userDataStoreClient = new FBUserDataStoreClient(serviceSecret, serviceSlug, userDataStoreUrl)

Fetching and storing

// fetch user data
const userData = await userDataStoreClient.getData(userId, userToken)

// store user data
await userDataStoreClient.setData(userId, userToken, userData)

File Store client

Client for requests to filestore endpoints.

Using a client

const FBUserFileStoreClient = require('@ministryofjustice/fb-client/user/filestore/client')

const userFileStoreClient = new FBUserFileStoreClient(serviceSecret, serviceSlug, userFileStoreUrl)

Fetching and storing

// fetch user file
const userFile = await userFileStoreClient.fetch(userId, userToken, fingerprint)

Define a policy:

const policy = { [max_size], [expires], [allowed_types] }


// store user file from file data
const uploadDetails = await userFileStoreClient.store(userId, userToken, file, policy)


// store user file from file path
const uploadDetails = await userFileStoreClient.storeFromPath(userId, userToken, filePath, policy)