
Custom file resolver supporting directory aliases for modular-css

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import modularCssPathAliases from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@modular-css/path-aliases';


@modular-css/path-aliases NPM Version NPM License NPM Downloads

A resolver for modular-css that will let you resolve file references against named aliases. Useful to avoid code like

@value foo from "../../../../../../../../some/other/directory/file.css";

which is annoying to write, annoying to read, and also super-brittle.


$ npm i @modular-css/path-aliases


Pass as part of the resolvers array in the modular-css options (via JS API/Rollup/Browserify/WebPack/etc). When modular-css is trying to resolve @value or composes file references it'll replace the alias keys with their path value for file lookups.

var Processor = require("@modular-css/processor"),
    aliases   = require("@modular-css/path-aliases")

    processor = new Processor({
        resolvers : [
                aliases : {
                    one  : "./path/one",
                    path : "../../some/other/path"

which allows you to write CSS like this.

@value one from "one/one.css";

.a {
    composes: path from "path/path.css";



A object consisting of key/value pairs of alias names to file paths. Paths can be relative to the cwd of the Processor instance or absolute paths.