
Build MoleculeElements using JSX

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import moleculejsMoleculeJsx from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@moleculejs/molecule-jsx';



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Molecule is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces using web components.

This package provides a base class for creating Custom Elements that renders JSX.


The @moleculejs/molecule-jsx package can be installed using npm or yarn:

npm install --save @moleculejs/molecule-jsx
yarn add @moleculejs/molecule-jsx


See the full documentation at MoleculeJS.org.


Let's start with a simple Example:

class HelloWorld extends MoleculeJsx.Element {
  static get properties() {
    return {
      name: String,
      attribute: true,
      value: 'John Doe',
  render({ name }) {
    <div>Hello ${name}</div>;

customElements.define('hello-world', HelloWorld);

This creates a new Custom Element called hello-world, which can now be used anywhere in your application using <hello-world>.

This new element will also keep the property name in sync with the attribute name, meaning that the element will look like this in the DOM:

<hello-world name="John Doe"></hello-world>

If you change the attribute or the property, both will be kept in sync and the element will be rerendered.

Premade Base Classes

There are several other base classes for Molecule with different rendering methods, like lit-html or JSX. A complete list of official packages for Molecule can be found in the full documentation


Coming soon!