
Generic caching module (FileSystem, MemcacheD, in-memory, Mongo, Redis)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import momsfriendlydevcoCache from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@momsfriendlydevco/cache';



Generic caching component.

This module is a very low-level caching component designed to store, retrieve, expire and cleanup a simple key-value storage.

var Cache = require('@momsfriendlydevco/cache');

var storage = new Cache({
    modules: ['memcached', 'mongo', 'memory'], // What modules to try to load (in order of preference)

// Set something (key, val, [expiry])
storage.set('myKey', 'myValue', '1h').then(setVal => ...)

// Get something (key, [fallback])
storage.get('myKey', 'fallbackValue').then(val => ...)

// Forget something (key)
storage.unset('myKey').then(()=> ...)

// Clean up storage, only supported by some modules
storage.clean().then(()=> ...)

// Hash something, objects also supported
storage.hash(complexObject, val => ...)

All methods return a promise.

Supported Caching Drivers

Driver Requires Maximum object size Serializer list() Support has() support size() support clean() Support
filesystem Writable FS area Infinite Yes Yes Yes Yes
memcached MemcacheD daemon 1mb Yes
memory Nothing Infinite Not needed Yes Yes Yes Yes
mongodb MongoDB daemon 16mb Disabled Yes Yes Yes
redis Redis daemon 512mb Yes Yes Yes Yes


  • By default MemcacheD caches 1mb slabs, see the documentation of the daemon to increase this
  • While memory storage is theoretically infinite Node has a memory limit of 1.4gb by default. See the node CLI for details on how to increase this
  • Some caching systems (notably MemcacheD) automatically clean entries
  • For most modules the storage values are encoded / decoded via marshal. This means that complex JS primitives such as Dates, Sets etc. can be stored without issue. This is disabled in the case of MongoDB by default but can be enabled if needed
  • When has() querying is not supported by the module a get() operation will be performed and the result mangled into a boolean instead, this ensures that all modules support has() at the expense of efficiency


Cache([options]) (constructor)

Create a new cache handler and populate its default options.

Note that cache.init() needs to be called and needs to complete before this module is usable.

cache.options(Object) or cache.options(key, val)

Set lots of options in the cache handler all at once or set a single key (dotted or array notation are supported).

Valid options are:

Option Type Default Description
init Boolean true Whether to automatically run cache.init() when constructing
cleanInit Boolean false Run clean() in the background on each init
cleanAuto Boolean false Run autoClean() automatically in the background on init
cleanAutoInterval String "1h" Timestring to use when rescheduling autoClean()
keyMangle Function key => key How to rewrite the requested key before get / set / unset operations
modules Array ['memory'] What modules to attempt to load
serialize Function marshal.serialize The serializing function to use when storing objects
deserialize Function marshal.deserialize The deserializing function to use when restoring objects
filesystem Object See below Filesystem module specific settings
filesystem.fallbackDate Date 2500-01-01 Fallback date to use as the filesystem expiry time
filesystem.memoryFuzz Number 200 How many Milliseconds bias to use when comparing the file ctime to the memory creation date
filesystem.moveFailTries Number 30 Maximum number of tries before giving up moving swap files over live files
filesystem.moveFailInterval Number 100 Delay between retries
filesystem.utimeFailTries Number 30 Maximum number of tries before giving up setting the utime on the swap file
filesystem.utimeFailInterval Number 100 Delay between retries
filesystem.path Function os.tempdir + key + '.cache.json' How to calculate the file path to save. Defaults to the OS temp dir
filesystem.pathSwap Function " + " + '.cache.swap.json' How to calculate the swap path to save. Defaults to the OS temp dir
memcached Object See below MemcacheD module specific settings
memcached.server String '' The MemcacheD server address to use
memcached.lifetime Number 1000*60 (1h) The default expiry time, unless otherwise specified
memcached.options Object {retries:1,timeout:250} Additional options passed to the MemcacheD client
mongodb Object See below MongoDB module specific options
mongodb.uri String 'mongodb://localhost/mfdc-cache' The MongoDB URI to connect to
mongodb.collection String mfdcCaches The collection to store cache information within
mongodb.options Object See code Additional Mongo options to use when connecting
redis Object See Redis module settings Settings passed to Redis


  • All modules expose their own serialize / deserialize properties which defaults to the main properties by default. These are omitted from the above table for brevity
  • The default setup for the serialize property assumes no circular references, override this if you really do need to store them - but at a major performance hit
  • The MongoDB module does not serialize or deserialize by default in order to use its own storage format, set the serialize / deserialize properties to the main cache object to enable this behaviour
  • filesystem.moveFailTries is necessary because on some systems writing the temporary swap file, setting its expiry then trying to move it over the live file sometimes fails. TO work around this we wait for the filesystem to flush the maximum number of times with a delay in between.


Alias of cache.options().


Initialize the cache handler and attempt to load the modules in preference order. This function is automatically executed in the constructor if cache.settings.init is truthy. This function returns a promise.


Setup a time to clean out all expired cache items. If no interval is provided the option autoCleanInterval is used. If the interval is falsy the timer is disabled.

cache.set(Object, [expiry]) or cache.set(key, value, [expiry])

Set a collection of keys or a single key with the optional expiry. The expiry value can be a date, millisecond offset, moment object or any valid timestring string. This function returns a promise.


Fetch a single / multiple values. If the value does not exist the fallback value will be provided. If called with an array of keys the result is an object with a key/value combination. This function returns a promise.


Release a single or array of keys. This function returns a promise.


Return whether we have the given key but not actually fetch it. NOTE: If the individual module does not implement this a simple get() will be performed and the return mangled into a boolean. See the compatibility tables at the top of this article to see if 'has' is supported. This function returns a promise.


Return whether the approximate size in bytes of a cache object. This function returns a promise.


Attempt to return a list of known cache contents. This function returns a promise.

Each item will have at minimum a id and created value. All other values (e.g. expiry) depend on the cache driver being used.


Attempt to clean up any left over or expired cache entries. This is only supported by some modules. This function returns a promise.


Politely close all driver resource handles before shutting down. This function waits for all set operations to complete before resolving. This function returns a promise.


This module uses the debug NPM module for debugging. To enable set the environment variable to DEBUG=cache.

For example:

DEBUG=cache node myFile.js