
Predictable state container for JavaScript apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mozaikjsCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@mozaikjs/core';



npm i @mozaikjs/core


yarn add @mozaikjs/core


import { types } from '@mozaikjs/core'

 * types.model ➜ actions() ➜ create()

 * Step 1.
 * Declare node (like reducers or models)
const router = types
    history: types.array(types.string),
    path: types.string
    push({ dispatch, state }, path) {
        history: [...state().history, path]
    replace({ dispatch, state }, path) {
      const history = state().history
      history.splice(history.length - 1, 1, path)

 * Step 2.
 * Create instace & set default values
const routerInstance = router.create({
  history: ['/'],
  path: '/'

 * Step 3.
 * Call action

 * Step 5.
 * Get action results
// ➜ { history: ['/', '/about'], path: '/about' }

 * Subscribe on notify

routerInstance.$subscribe(({ state }) => console.log(state))
// ➜ { history:  ['/', '/faq'], path: '/faq' }

Get actual state

Mozaikjs use immutable state

For get actual state you get call $getState() on store instance. Inside actions and computed you can take state() method for get actual state.

import { types } from '@mozaikjs/core'

const root = types
    status: types.string
    async load({ dispatch, state }) {
      dispatch({ status: 'pending' })
      console.log(state().status) // ➜ 'pending'
      setTimeout(() => {
        dispatch({ status: 'done' })
    status: 'default'

await root.load()
console.log(root.status) // ➜ 'default'  State don`t mutable
console.log(root.$getState().status) // ➜ 'done'  State updated

Runtime check types

Mozaikjs like Mobx State Tree check state when you change

Type Example Description
string types.string
number types.number
boolean types.boolean
Date types.date Check is Date instance
any types.any Use for only immutable data. Data do not reactive. If you use this type, mozaik can not build correct scheme for data and as a result data ceases be observable.
Complex type
maybe (Deprecated, use optional) types.maybe(types.string) Value can be empty (null or undefined)
optional types.optional(types.string, defaultValue?: string) Value can be empty (null or undefined) with default value
array types.array(types.number) Array of values
enumeration types.enumeration('admin', 'moderator') Value can be one of enums
custom types.custom(types.number, (value) => value > 10) You can write custom validator
model types.model(name, props)

Subscribe & notify

You have two ways to subscribe on notify.

  • chain method before create instances
  • method $subscribe on created instances
const commentModel = types
  .model('comment', {
    isLiked: types.boolean
    toggleLike({ dispatch, state }) {
        isLiked: !state().isLiked

const fetcher = types
    comments: types.array(commentModel)
  .subscribe(console.log) // call after change state
    comments: [
        isLiked: false


fetcher.comments[0].toggleLike() // Do toggle inner state

Compose nodes

import { types } from '@mozaikjs/core'

const resetModel = types.model({}).actions({
  reset({ dispatch, state }) {
    const newState = Object.keys(state()).reduce((acc, key) => {
      acc[key] = null
      return acc
    }, {})
    return newState

const userNode = types
    name: types.maybe(types.string),
    age: types.maybe(types.number)
    name: 'Arthur',
    age: 24

console.log(userNode.$getState()) // ➜ { name: 'Arthur', age: 24 }
console.log(userNode.$getState()) // ➜ { name: null, age: null }

Computed props

import { types } from '@mozaikjs/core'

const user = types
    name: types.string,
    lastName: types.string
    setName({ dispatch }, name) {
    fullName({ state }) {
      return `${state().name} ${state().lastName}!`
    name: 'Arthur',
    lastName: 'Test'

console.log(user.$getState().fullName) // ➜ Arthur Test!

Shape models (modules)

import { types } from '@mozaikjs/core'

const userModel = types.model({ name: types.string })
const routerModel = types.model({ path: types.string }).actions({ push() {} })

const rootModel = types.model({
  router: routerModel,
  user: userModel

Catch errors

You can catch errors in actions. Use .catch chain method.

When error be catch you pass error context.


  name: string
  methodName: string
  error: Error
  store: {
import { types } from '@mozaikjs/core'

const root = types
    status: types.string
    fetch() {
      throw new Error('test error')
    status: 'done'


Dependency Injection

import { types } from '@mozaikjs/core'

const routerStore = types
  .model('router', {
    path: types.string
    path: '/'

const fetcherModel = types
    isLoading: types.boolean
    fetch({ env }, path) {
      console.log(env) // ➜ { httpClient: {}, localStorage, routerStore }
      console.log(path) // ➜ /users
      isLoading: false
      routerStore, // You can pass other model and they be computed
      httpClient: {},
      localStorage: localStorage


Middlewares (Deprecated)

Use middleware you can control each dispatch state. Middleware chain call everytime when you call action. If middleware don't return value, state don`t change.


  • Add async
  • Pass store instance
const toUpperCase = state => {
  return Object.keys(state).reduce((res, key) => {
    res[key] = state[key].toUpperCase()
    return res
  }, {})

const user = types
    name: types.string
    fetchUser({ dispatch }) {
      dispatch({ name: 'admin' })
  .use('fetchUser', toUpperCase) // Add middleware on specific action
    name: ''

user.$getState() // ➜ { name: 'ADMIN' }


const myPlugin = store => {
  // call after create store
  store.$subscribe(ctx => {
    // call after every mutation
    // ctx = { state: any, oldState: any, name: string, methodName: string }
import { types } from '@mozaikjs/core'

const model = types
  .plugins(myPlugin) // Add plugins


  1. Add .named() method for model
  2. Make treeWalker for develop plugins
  3. Add new features for work with names
  4. Pass inside computed function only state without actions
  5. Add type for lazy load modules of tree
  6. Add hooks for adapters of React + Vue
    1. Data hooks useAction + useValue
    2. Network hooks useQuery + useMutation
  7. Make ability to parse default props to types .model('', { prop: 10 })
  8. Add great support for plugins
    1. Ability to append custom methods and getters
    2. Possibility integrate to model by chain methods
  9. Create few plugins
    1. Cache manager
    2. Redo/Undo
    3. Persist
    4. Logger
    5. Connector to Redux dev tools
  10. Add new Examples
  11. Make site