
The Rally partner support library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mozillaRally from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@mozilla/rally';



This is the Rally partner support library, rally.js, used to manage the lifecycle of Rally studies.

This library is used in the Rally Study Template.

Manual testing using npm link

Manual testing of rally.js can be done as follows:

  1. Run npm link in the support/ directory.
  2. In the directory of the testing grounds (e.g. the study-template), run npm link "@mozilla/rally". This will make the test project use the local version of rally.js, automatically tracking any change to it.

And to undo the linking:

  1. Run npm unlink "@mozilla/rally" in the testing directory.
  2. Run npm unlink in the support/ directory.