
Parses .gif images for control in the React DOM.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import mvarbleReactGif from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@mvarble/react-gif';



This React component uses gif-frames to serve as a controller for .gif images.


The usage is quite simple. If I would like to look at the first frame of the gif located at /path-to.gif, I simply use the component as so.

<Gif src="/path-to.gif" frame="0" />

One can then see how composition allows for some fun. With cool packages like RxJS, one can create pretty cool logic for animation.

const FunGif = () => {
    const [frame, setFrame] = useState(0);
    const [subscription, setSubscription] = useState(undefined);
    const restartSubscription = () => {
        if (subscription) {
    return <Gif src="/my.gif" frame={frame} onClick={restartSubscription} />;


I think there might be some CORS issues right now?


  • src (required): a string to the pathname of the .gif
  • frame (required): a number for the current frame (indexed from 0) to show.
  • failFrame: a string pointing to the pathname of some image for if the .gif hasn't loaded.
  • imgStyle: the proptypes we would like to pass to the <img> tag displaying the current frame.