
A Gatsby theme for loading data from the Nacelle Hail Frequency API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nacelleGatsbyThemeNacelle from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nacelle/gatsby-theme-nacelle';


[DEPRECATED] Gatsby Theme Nacelle

This Gatsby theme has been deprecated. Please use gatsby-source-nacelle instead.


This Gatsby theme effectively functions as a plugin to connect to a Nacelle store via the Nacelle Hail Frequency API. This connection allows you to get all of a store's product data (individual products, collections, etc.) and content data (blog posts, articles, etc.).

What is Nacelle?

Nacelle is a headless eCommerce platform made for developers who want to create superior customer buying experiences. When you connect your Shopify, Magento, or custom eCommerce store to Nacelle, our proprietary indexing system supplies a high-performance connection to your back end.

To learn more, check out the Nacelle docs.

Quick Start

Follow these steps to add gatsby-theme-nacelle to your Gatsby site:


With Yarn

yarn add @nacelle/gatsby-theme-nacelle

With NPM

npm i @nacelle/gatsby-theme-nacelle


Then add the theme to your gatsby-config.js. Be sure to include your nacelle-space-id and nacelle-graphql-token, which you can find in your Space settings in the Nacelle Dashboard.

Adding Your Credentials Directly

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "@nacelle/gatsby-theme-nacelle",
      options: {
        nacelle_space_id: YOUR_NACELLE_SPACE_ID,
        nacelle_graphql_token: YOUR_NACELLE_GRAPHQL_TOKEN,

Adding Your Credentials Securely

Install dotenv, then create a .env file with your Nacelle credentials. For more information about using environment variables in a Gatsby project, check out the Gatsby docs.

# .env
// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "@nacelle/gatsby-theme-nacelle",
      options: {
        nacelle_space_id: process.env.NACELLE_SPACE_ID,
        nacelle_graphql_token: process.env.NACELLE_GRAPHQL_TOKEN,

Next Steps

Once you've established a connection to Nacelle's Hail Frequency API, it's time to start building out your store. Check out the examples to see how to:

  • Programatically create pages using the data returned from Nacelle's Hail Frequency API
  • Use Redux to create a persistent cart which uses Nacelle's Hail Frequency API for checkout processing