
Google recaptcha module for NestJS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nestlabGoogleRecaptcha from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nestlab/google-recaptcha';


Google recaptcha module

The NestJS module to protect your endpoints via google recaptcha.

Supported for HTTP and GraphQL NestJS applications.

Usage example here


$ npm i @nestlab/google-recaptcha


Configuration for REST application

    imports: [
            secretKey: process.env.GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,
            response: req => req.headers.recaptcha,
            skipIf: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
            network: GoogleRecaptchaNetwork.Recaptcha,
export class AppModule {

Configuration for reCAPTCHA V3

    imports: [
            secretKey: process.env.GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,
            response: (req: IncomingMessage) => (req.headers.recaptcha || '').toString(),
            skipIf: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
            actions: ['SignUp', 'SignIn'],
            score: 0.8,
export class AppModule {

Tip: header names transforming to lower case.

For example: If you send 'Recaptcha' header then use (req) => req.headers.recaptcha

Configuration options

Property Description
secretKey Required.
Type: string
Google recaptcha secret key
response Required.
Type: (request) => string
Function that returns response (recaptcha token) by request
skipIf Optional.
Type: boolean | (request) => boolean \| Promise<boolean>
Function that returns true if you allow the request to skip the recaptcha verification. Useful for involing other check methods (e.g. custom privileged API key) or for development or testing
network Optional.
Type: GoogleRecaptchaNetwork | boolean
Default: GoogleRecaptchaNetwork.Google
If your server has trouble connecting to https://google.com then you can set networks:
GoogleRecaptchaNetwork.Google = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify'
GoogleRecaptchaNetwork.Recaptcha = 'https://recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api/siteverify'
or set any api url
applicationType Deprecated. Module detects it automatically from execution context. Optional.
Type: ApplicationType
Application type affect on type of request argument on response provider function
Context types:
http - (req: express.Request \| fastify.Request) => string \| Promise<string>
graphql - (req: http.IncommingMessage) => string \| Promise<string>
agent Deprecated. Use axiosConfig option
Type: https.Agent
If you need to use an agent
score Optional.
Type: number | (score: number) => boolean
Score validator for reCAPTCHA v3.
number - minimum available score.
(score: number) => boolean - function with custom validation rules.
actions Optional.
Type: string[]
Available action list for reCAPTCHA v3.
You can make this check stricter by passing the action property parameter to @Recaptcha(...) decorator.
axiosConfig Optional.
Type: AxiosRequestConfig
Allows to setup proxy, response timeout, https agent etc...

If you want import configs from your ConfigService via custom getter function that will return GoogleRecaptchaModuleOptions object.

    imports: [
            imports: [ConfigModule],
            useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => configService.googleRecaptchaOptions,
            inject: [ConfigService],
export class AppModule {


Validate in service

export class SomeService {
    constructor(private readonly recaptchaValidator: GoogleRecaptchaValidator) {

    async someAction(recaptchaToken: string): Promise<void> {
        const result = await this.recaptchaValidator.validate({
            response: recaptchaToken,
            score: 0.8,
            action: 'SomeAction',
        if (!result.success) {
            throw new GoogleRecaptchaException(result.errors);
        // TODO: Your implemetation


Use @Recaptcha decorator to protect your endpoints.

export class FeedbackController {
    async send(): Promise<any> {
        // TODO: Your implementation.

You can override default property that contain recaptcha for specific endpoint.

export class FeedbackController {
    @Recaptcha({response: req => req.body.recaptha})
    async send(): Promise<any> {
        // TODO: Your implementation.

Also you can override recaptcha v3 options.

export class FeedbackController {
    @Recaptcha({response: req => req.body.recaptha, action: 'Send', score: 0.8})
    async send(): Promise<any> {
        // TODO: Your implementation.

Get verification result

export class FeedbackController {
    async send(@RecaptchaResult() recaptchaResult: GoogleRecaptchaValidationResult): Promise<any> {
        console.log(`Action: ${recaptchaResult.action} Score: ${recaptchaResult.score}`);
        // TODO: Your implementation.

If you want use google recaptcha guard in combination with another guards then you can use @UseGuards decorator.

export class FeedbackController {
    @SetRecaptchaOptions({action: 'Send', score: 0.8})
    @UseGuards(Guard1, GoogleRecaptchaGuard, Guard2)
    async send(): Promise<any> {
        // TODO: Your implementation.

GraphQL guard

Use @Recaptcha decorator to protect your resolver.

@Resolver(of => Recipe)
export class RecipesResolver {
    @Query(returns => Recipe)
    async recipe(@Args('id') id: string): Promise<Recipe> {
        // TODO: Your implementation.

You can override default property that contain recaptcha for specific query, mutation or subscription.

@Resolver(of => Recipe)
export class RecipesResolver {
    @Query(returns => Recipe)
    async recipe(@Args('id') id: string): Promise<Recipe> {
        // TODO: Your implementation.

    // Overridden default header. This query using X-Recaptcha header 
    @Recaptcha({response: (req: IncomingMessage) => (req.headers['x-recaptcha'] || '').toString()})
    @Query(returns => [Recipe])
    recipes(@Args() recipesArgs: RecipesArgs): Promise<Recipe[]> {
        // TODO: Your implementation.

Error handling

Google recaptcha guard will throw GoogleRecaptchaException on error.


GoogleRecaptchaException has data with google recaptcha error codes.



GoogleRecaptchaNetworkException has error code ErrorCode.NetworkError.


You can handle it via ExceptionFilter.

Example exception filter implementation.

export class GoogleRecaptchaFilter implements ExceptionFilter {
    catch(exception: GoogleRecaptchaException, host: ArgumentsHost): any {
        // TODO: Your exception filter implementation

And add your filter to application

async function bootstrap() {
    const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
    app.useGlobalFilters(new ErrorFilter(), new GoogleRecaptchaFilter());
    await app.listen(3000);
