
generate initApollo and useApollo to use in next js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nextToolsApollo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@next-tools/apollo';


Next js with apollo

Default and only export is a generator that you pass your client creation function into. It returns two functions that allow you to access the apollo client in the context of a react component or any other context that may have to do with pre-rendering on the server or client in next js.

  1. initApollo - Function that takes a single optional argument which is initial state to hydrate the cache. This function can be used inside getServerSideProps, getStaticProps, and getInitialProps.
  2. useApollo - Hook version of initApollo. Used in a react component, typically in pages/_app.js to supply the ApolloProvider.

This uses the exact concepts from the latest next js examples git repository for using apollo with next js. https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/examples/with-apollo It is packaged up for convienience so you don't have to keep having to re-writing this functionality and only worry about passing in your apollo client creation function and using the apollo client.

This does NOT use getDataFromTree

Example Usage

  1. Create a file that you will export the two generated functions from your client creation function. example path: ~/lib/apollo.js (where ~ is project root)

    import { ApolloClient } from "apollo-client";
    import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory";
    import { HttpLink } from "apollo-link-http";
    import nextApollo from "@next-tools/apollo";
    export const { initApollo, useApollo } = nextApollo(function () {
      return new ApolloClient({
        ssrMode: typeof window === "undefined",
        link: new HttpLink({
          uri: process.env.API_URL + "/graphql"
        cache: new InMemoryCache()
  2. Provider in pages/_app.js

    import { useApollo } from "~/lib/apollo";
    import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/react-hooks";
    const App = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
      const apolloClient = useApollo(pageProps.initApolloState);
      return (
        <ApolloProvider client={apolloClient}>
          <Component {...pageProps} />
    export default App;
  3. Usage for ssr in any of the 3 available functions getServerSideProps, getStaticProps, or getInitialProps on a next js page

    import { initApollo } from "~/lib/apollo";
    import { useQuery } from "@apollo/react-hooks";
    import { SOME_QUERY } from "somwhere";
    const Page = () => {
      const { data } = useQuery(SOME_QUERY);
      return <div>...</div>;
    Page.getInitialProps = async function () {
      const apolloClient = initApollo();
      await apolloClient.query({ query: SOME_QUERY });
      // this hydrates the cache allowing you to useQuery in the componet and be able to ssr with no call to the client
      // if you want to you could pass the apollo data into the page props want to use it directly without useQuery
      return {
        initApolloState: apolloClient.cache.extract()
    export default Page;
    import { initApollo } from "~/lib/apollo";
    import { useQuery } from "@apollo/react-hooks";
    import { SOME_QUERY } from "somwhere";
    const Page = () => {
      const { data } = useQuery(SOME_QUERY);
      return <div>...</div>;
    export async function getServerSideProps() {
      const apolloClient = initApollo();
      await apolloClient.query({ query: SOME_QUERY });
      // this hydrates the cache allowing you to useQuery in the componet and be able to ssr with no call to the client
      // if you want to you could pass the apollo data into the page props want to use it directly without useQuery
      return {
        props: {
          initApolloState: apolloClient.cache.extract()
    export default Page;
    import { initApollo } from "~/lib/apollo";
    import { useQuery } from "@apollo/react-hooks";
    import { SOME_QUERY } from "somwhere";
    const Page = () => {
      const { data } = useQuery(SOME_QUERY);
      return <div>...</div>;
    export async function getStaticProps() {
      const apolloClient = initApollo();
      await apolloClient.query({ query: SOME_QUERY });
      // this hydrates the cache allowing you to useQuery in the componet and be able to ssr with no call to the client
      // if you want to you could pass the apollo data into the page props want to use it directly without useQuery
      return {
        props: {
          initApolloState: apolloClient.cache.extract()
    export default Page;