
A library for declarative use of Intersection Observer API with Angular

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngWebApisIntersectionObserver from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ng-web-apis/intersection-observer';


Intersection Observer API for Angular

Part of Web APIs for Angular

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This is a library for declarative use of Intersection Observer API with Angular.


If you do not have @ng-web-apis/common:

npm i @ng-web-apis/common

Now install the package:

npm i @ng-web-apis/intersection-observer


  1. Create IntersectionObserver with waIntersectionObserver directive

  2. Observe elements with waIntersectionObservee directive

  3. Optional: provide root element with waIntersectionRoot directive and use waIntersectionThreshold and waIntersectionRootMargin attributes to configure IntersectionObserver options

    NOTE: Keep in mind these are used one time in constructor so you cannot use binding, only strings. Pass comma separated numbers to set an array of thresholds..


Observing multiple elements intersecting with viewport using single observer

<section waIntersectionObserver waIntersectionThreshold="0.5">
    <div (waIntersectionObservee)="onIntersection($event)">
        I'm being observed
    <div (waIntersectionObservee)="onIntersection($event)">
        I'm being observed

Observing elements intersecting with parent element, each having different configuration therefore using individual observers:

<section waIntersectionRoot>
        I'm being observed
        I'm being observed


Alternatively you can use Observable-based services:

  1. IntersectionObserveeService can be used to observe elements under waIntersectionObserver directive in the DI tree

  2. IntersectionObserverService can be used to observe single element independently. Provide tokens manually to configure it:

    selector: 'my-component',
    providers: [
            provide: INTERSECTION_THRESHOLD,
            useValue: 0.5,
            provide: INTERSECTION_ROOT_MARGIN,
            useValue: '10px',
export class MyComponent {
        @Inject(IntersectionObserverService) entries$: IntersectionObserverService,
    ) {
        entries$.subscribe(entries => {
            // Don't forget to unsubscribe

In this case provide INTERSECTION_ROOT up the DI tree if you want to observe intersection with a particular parent element

Browser support

IE / Edge Firefox Chrome Safari
15+ 55+ 51+ 12.2+

You can use polyfill to support older browsers


You can try online demo here

See also

Other Web APIs for Angular by @ng-web-apis


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