
Plug n' play Angular (2++) directive to print your stuff This directive makes printing your HTML sections smooth and easy in your Angular application. It is intended to use with the new Angular -2+

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ngxsmartPrint from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ngxsmart/print';



Plug n' play Angular (2++) directive to print your stuff This directive makes printing your HTML sections smooth and easy in your Angular application. It is intended to use with the new Angular -2+


1- In your root application folder run:

npm install ngx-printx

2- Once ngx-printx is installed, you need to import the main module NgxPrintModule :

import {NgxPrintModule} from 'ngx-printx';

[NgxPrintModule, ...],

export class YourAppModule {

3- Then plug n' play with it:

  • Assuming you want to print the following HTML section:

  <!--Your html stuff that you want to print-->
<button>print</button> <!--Your relevant print button-->

  • Now, what you have to do is tagging your wanted-to-print section by an id attribute, then link that id to a directive parameter in your button :
   1)- Add an ID here
<div id="print-section">
  <!--Your html stuff that you want to print-->

  2)- Add the directive name in your button (ngxPrint),
  3)- Affect your ID to printSectionId
<button printSectionId="print-section" ngxPrint>print</button>

Optional properties

  • You want a customized title for your printing window ? you have the choice by adding a new attribute to your print button printTitle:

<div id="print-section">

  <!-- ... -->



  • Also, would you like to customize the printing window style sheet (CSS) ? Hence you can do so by adding infinite styles to another attribute called printStyle:

<div id="print-section">

  <!-- ... -->


  [printStyle]="{h1 : {'color': 'red'}, h2 : {'border': 'solid 1px'}}"

Here some simple styles were added to every h1 & h2 tags within the div where print-section is tagged to its id attribute.

  • If you would like to use your existing CSS with media print you can add the useExistingCss attribute:

<div id="print-section">

  <!-- ... -->



  • If you want to customize the printing window style sheet (CSS) by importing the css provided in assets/css use styleSheetFile:

<div id="print-section">

  <!-- ... -->



Publish the library to NPM(applies to maintainers)

  1. Build the library
ng build --configuration production --project=@ngxsmart/print
  1. Publish the library to NPM
npm publish dist/print --access public