
Angular components for the NI Nimble Design System

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import niNimbleAngular from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ni/nimble-angular';


ni | nimble | angular

Nimble Angular

NPM Version

NI-styled UI components for Angular applications

Getting started

The steps to use components from Nimble Angular are similar to using components from any other Angular library. You can see the Example Client App project for an example.

  1. Install Nimble Angular from the public NPM registry by running npm install @ni/nimble-angular.

    This guide assumes you have an existing Angular application and are using NPM 7 or greater.

  2. Each application should update app.module.ts to import the module for NimbleThemeProviderModule. Additionally, import modules for the components you want to use:

    import {
    } from '@ni/nimble-angular';
    @NgModule ({
        imports: [
    class AppModule {}
  3. Each application should add the <nimble-theme-provider> element to app.component.html and set its theme attribute. The theme provider has no appearance of its own but defines tokens that are used by descendant components.

    <nimble-theme-provider theme="light">
  4. Each application should import the Nimble fonts once in the root src/styles.scss. Nimble recommends using SCSS for capabilities such as build time property checking.

    @import '~@ni/nimble-angular/styles/fonts';
  5. As needed, import the theme-aware design tokens in each SCSS file that will leverage the tokens for other parts of your application (for colors, fonts, etc).

    @import '~@ni/nimble-angular/styles/tokens';
    .my-element {
        font-family: $ni-nimble-font-family

    See the theming documentation in nimble-components for more information.

  6. As needed, add Nimble components to the templates in your application:

    <nimble-drawer #drawerReference location="right">This is a drawer</nimble-drawer>
  7. As needed, import the Nimble component's directive and types in your component scripts to use programmatic APIs:

    import { NimbleDrawerDirective } from '@ni/nimble-angular';
    @Component({ /* ... */ })
    class AppComponent {
        @ViewChild('drawerReference', { read: NimbleDrawerDirective }) public drawer: NimbleDrawerDirective;
        public openDrawer() {

    Note: Nimble components are exposed in Angular as Angular Directives and have the suffix Directive.

Learn more

See the README.md for the ni/nimble repository for documentation of individual components.

Using Nimble form controls

For best results, always use ngModel, formControl, or formControlName bindings when integrating Nimble form controls in Angular. Binding to the control's native value property or event (e.g. [value] or (change)) is not supported, and can cause build failures and other issues. If a value change event is necessary, use ngModel (ngModelChange)="onChange()".

Using Nimble breadcrumb with Angular's RouterLink

nimble-breadcrumb-item supports the Angular RouterLink directive for breadcrumb navigation in an Angular app using routing.
However, the attribute name nimbleRouterLink should be used instead of routerLink - for example:

<nimble-breadcrumb-item [nimbleRouterLink]="breadcrumb.url">
    {{ breadcrumb.label }}

The properties RouterLink supports (queryParams, state, etc.) can be used on nimble-breadcrumb-item as-is.

Testing with Nimble elements and fakeAsync

Angular's fakeAsync utility is useful for writing quickly-executing tests, but it can cause issues when testing components containing Nimble elements. Nimble uses an internal process queue to schedule work. If a fakeAsync test schedules work on the queue (by creating or interacting with Nimble elements) and the queue isn't processed by the end of the test, the queue will never be processed and subsequent tests may fail.

To avoid this, call processUpdates() after each fakeAsync test. This will synchronously process the internal queue and put it in a good state for subsequent tests. The processUpdates() method can also be called mid-test to synchronously complete operations which would otherwise require waiting for an animation frame.

Known Issues

Currently the fast-animation library we depend on only exports CommonJS modules, which triggers an Angular project build warning (and potentially suboptimal bundle optimizations).

Currently clients consuming the nimble Angular integration may need to make the following change in their angular.json, if they wish to suppress that build warning, in the projects.[projectName].architect.build.options section:

"allowedCommonJsDependencies": [

nimble issue #189 tracks this issue.


Follow the instructions in CONTRIBUTING.md to modify this library.