
A module that sticks togetheer some modules i like to use for front end apps.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nichothOk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nichoth/ok';



A module that sticks togetheer some modules i like to use for front end apps.

Setp an application with one function call. This also serves as an example of observ and an event emitter and preact as application foundations.


npm install @nichoth/ok


var ok = require('../')
var { h } = require('preact')
var EVENTS = require('@nichoth/events/namespace')({
    hello: ['world']
var struct = require('observ-struct')
var observ = require('observ')
var Router = require('ruta3')

var state = struct({
    foo: observ('world'),
    route: struct({})  // required

function subscribe({ state, view }) {
    view.on(EVENTS.hello.world, () => state.foo.set('bar'))

var router = Router()
router.addRoute('/', function foo (match) {
    return function (props) {
        return <div>foo</div>

function View (props) {
    var { emit } = props
    if (props.route.pathname) var m = router.match(props.route.pathname)
    if (m) var RouteView = m.action(m)
    return <div>
        <RouteView {...props} />
        <hr />
        hello {props.foo + ' '}
        <button onClick={emit(EVENTS.hello.world)}>emit event</button>

var { view } = ok(state, View, document.getElementById('content'))
subscribe({ state, view })

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
    window.app = { state, view, EVENTS }