
An icon component for React.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodestrapIcon from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nodestrap/icon';


<Icon />

An element for displaying icon.
It can be placed between a text, inside button, in the menu, etc.


<Icon icon='instagram' theme='primary' size='lg' />

Rendered to:

<span class="c1 thPrimary szLg" style="--v59:url("/icons/instagram.svg");">...</span>


  • 1500+ pre-defined images + your custom images.
  • 5 size variants: small (sm), normal (nm), medium (md), large (lg), text size (1em), -or- custom size.
  • Themeable (default themes are: primary, secondary, success, info, warning, danger, dark & light).
  • Normal mode (uses theme color).
  • Mild mode (uses light theme color).
  • Dynamic theming. All theming stuff based on css variables, no compilation required after modification.
  • Theming is customizable & shared to another Nodestrap based components (via css variables).
  • Written with TypeScript (superset of JavaScript) & compiled to ES6 module.
  • IntelliSense supported.


Using npm:

npm i @nodestrap/icon

Then copy folder fonts & icons from our @nodestrap/icon/public to your public folder, let's say /shared, so it becomes:

  • /shared/fonts/**
  • /shared/icons/**

Then add your custom icons (*.svg or *.png) into /shared/icons/

Then add code below after the import statements:

import { Icon, config as iconConfig } from '@nodestrap/icon';

// path relative to *browser*, not physical path on *server*
iconConfig.font.path = '/shared/fonts';
iconConfig.img.path = '/shared/icons';
    'my-logo.svg', // your custom logo
    'phone.png',   // your custom phone icon
    // ... add more ...

And finally you can use your icons:

<Icon icon='my-logo' theme='primary' size='lg' />

Support Us

If you feel our lib is useful for your projects,
please make a donation to avoid our project from extinction.

We always maintain our projects as long as we're still alive.

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