
Gatsby command-line interface for creating new sites and running Gatsby commands

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nodoxGatsbyCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nodox/gatsby-cli';



Gatsby command line tool.

Let's you create new Gatsby sites using Gatsby starters.

It also let's you run commands on sites. The tool runs code from the gatsby package installed locally.


npm install --global gatsby-cli

How to use

Run gatsby --help for full help.


gatsby new gatsby-site

See the Gatsby starters docs for more.


At the root of a Gatsby site run gatsby develop to start the Gatsby development server.


  -H, --host    Set host. Defaults to localhost
  -p, --port    Set port. Defaults to 8000
  -o, --open    Open the site in your browser for you
  -S, --https   Use HTTPS

Follow the Local HTTPS guide to find out how you can set up an HTTPS development server using Gatsby.


At the root of a Gatsby site run gatsby build to do a production build of a site.


At the root of a Gatsby site run gatsby serve to serve the production build of the site for testing.


At the root of a Gatsby site run gatsby info to get helpful environment information which will be required when reporting a bug.