Sequlize model generator with Plop
See "ployfile.js" for simple breakdown of inputs, actions for the sequalize model generation.
Read more about plop here:
Model YML format
A sequalize model has to be minimally defined in some format. The easiest human readable and writable format is YML. Below a sample model that contains all practical sequalize features we use on our models for bare minimum model file:
name: Test Model
type: int
primaryKey: true
autoIncrement: true
name: string
status: enum(pending, active, disabled)
created_at: timestamp
Few additional markers in simple "type" annotation to be extended with:
- "#" character designates primaryKey (also adds required: true, allowNull: false, autoIncrement: true options) (i.e:
id: int#
) - "+" character designates allowNull: false (i.e:
name: string+
Set up configuration file in your project:
Add following json configuration to your project root with .nomad-generators-config file:
"sequalize": {
"models_path": "models"
If your sequalize models stored in a different folder, define in this configuration variable.
Install (as clonned code)
npm install
npm run generate-model <yml-file-path>
Install (as package in parent/project)
Add the dependency and script to your package.json
devDependencies (or dependencies):
npm install --save-dev nomad-generator-sequalize
then, add generator command to your scripts in package.json:
"generate-model": "nomad-generator-sequalize"
Then, run
npm install
to install packages and register executable scripts
To create a new model with yml schema:
npm run generate-model
You can also send the yml parameter in this command as argument like:
npm run generate-model new-model.yml